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Marketing Forums South Africa

Has South African marketing become too traditional and insipid?

In example, Nandos has recently launched a new commercial, which have been banned because of "race issues" - but in my views, this is where Nandos marketing is particularly successful - they test boundaries. 7 Jun 2012

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Why do media buyers/strategists and PR & marketing agencies ignore community media??

Media buyers and PR and marketing agencies seem to ignore community media (TV, radio, Print), even though SAARF stats proves success. 6 Sep 2011

A country Imagined

Query re: availability of "A Country Imagined" DVD Series, narrated by Johnny Clegg, for purchase? 4 Jul 2011

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Don't Tell Them - Show Them

I made some time this morning to read through a few blogs and forums on "creativity". 14 Jun 2011

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Archiving / Backup of Design/Video work

I'm wondering how other agencies handle archiving of their work 22 May 2011

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Website marketing ideas??

We need some creative ideas for marketing our new website. 12 May 2011

information search

I am a student of Business Management and Marketing at the IES Francesc Ferrer i Guardia in Sant Joan Despi (Barcelona). I have to do a commercial research about editorial marketing posted in newspapers from other countries I'm interesting in SouthAfrican newspapers. 13 Apr 2011

South Africans are far behind

South Africans are far behind when it comes to technology 17 Feb 2011

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Consultants or firms to promote a restaurant

Are there any consultants or companies that specialise in marketing / promoting a restaurant ? 28 Jan 2011

help! what are the copyright laws in sa?

Having just returned to SA from the UK, we are not clear on any recent changes to copyright laws governing marketing/advertising works. We're in dispute with a non-paying client. Can anyone clarify? 7 Sep 2010

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I want to Freelance in PR and Marketing...where do I start?

I have recently started my business and want to Freelance whilst my business is finding it's feet...If anyone can give me hints I would be so delighted:-) 4 Aug 2010

Jabulani - Opens the debate around naming/branding of things/objects and Celebrity Endorsements

Impact of Jabulani on the total 2010 World Cup image, reputation and perceptions about South Africa... 24 Jun 2010

How do we change perceptions about Brand South Africa?

How Brand South Africa can use 2010 World Cup to Change Perceptions about the Brand 6 May 2010

Who and what is Brand South Africa?

Do we as South Africans know what is expected from us to help build Brand South Africa? 20 Apr 2010

There is light at the end of the tunnel for marketing.

But to see the light, you will need to retool and rewire your marketing capabilities. 26 Nov 2009

Eco design & art

How is the arts, creative education, marketing and creative industry responding and contributing to the global crisis of global warming? 31 Oct 2009

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Marketing a new magazine for women

Does anybody know a company that can do a good job in marketing and promoting our magazine? 27 Aug 2009

new milo cereal: false advertising

has any 1 of you tryed the new milo cereal that nestle , has brought out? i have and im not at ll satisfied with the product , that i have decided to take a stand up against nestle with a few friends backing me. 18 Jul 2009

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Conferations Cup Hype?

Where's the hype? 7 May 2009

Pampers marketing team?

Does anyone moderate your forum? 29 Apr 2009

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marketing careers and interns for graduates

where to find that needed experience 29 Mar 2009

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Gospel music marketing companies

I am a Gospel Musician looking for the right people to connect with so as to market my derby album. Can you kindly supply me with information as to where I can contact other established Gospel musicians for possible collaboration. Thank you 13 Feb 2009

The power of branding especially during elections

South Africans are a few minutes away from voting for the new democratic government and political parties have since started colouring our streets and villages with posters and everything 3 Feb 2009


I think every institution has its own flosses, there's never a better uni or better private college. Though I think Wits is on top of its game. Vega? I am not too sure I wanted to enrol for a BBA there a few weeks back, but for some reason something held me back.You just need to do a thorough research prior any registration. 3 Feb 2009

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Put a hat on it and call it an ism.

Is it just me, or has anyone else noticed how Trend Reports these days are nothing more than a collection of neologisms and bet-hedging? 23 Jan 2009

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furniture advertising

creatives....i believe its high time that u come up with something different and ceative when it comes furnitur advertising 8 Jan 2009

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New Coke Brrrrrr.

Is it just me, or is anybody else really irritated with this ad appearing ever 5 seconds? 12 Dec 2008

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Summer loving from Vodacom

Do they know their target market? 12 Dec 2008

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How fab is it to work at a magazine?

Is "ugly betty" or "the devil wears prada" a true reflection of the magazine environment? 10 Dec 2008

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Freelance Marketers/Reps

Is there a company/organisations where freelance sales reps/marketing agents can be found? 19 Nov 2008

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