Minimum wage for farm workers amended
The announcement was incorrect in that the Department of Labour used the wrong quintile of the November 2013 Consumer Price Index (CPI) to calculate the increase in the farm worker minimum wage. Forestry South Africa had brought this error to Agri SA's attention. The reason for the forestry industry's involvement is that the same sectoral determination applicable to farm workers will as from 1 April 2014 also apply to forestry workers.
Implication for 2015
"Although the difference is very small and represents a minimal amount, it has to do with the formula used for calculating this year's increase and the implication thereof for the 2015 wage increase," said Hendrik Ackermann, chairman of Agri SA's Labour and Social Policy Committee.
"The monthly minimum wage for farm workers therefore increases from R2 274.82 to R2 420.41; the weekly wage increases from R525.00 to R558.60; the daily wage increases from R105.00 to R111.72 for a nine hour working day, while the hourly wage increases from R11.66 to R12.41. Employers are requested to inform their workers of these changes and to implement the increases with effect from 1 March 2014," said Ackermann.
In the case where employers cannot afford to pay the higher wage, they can apply for a variation. Employers are requested to consult with their workers before submitting such applications.
Application forms are available on Agri SA's website -