Fastjet releases Mozambique schedule

Flights between Maputo and Nampula will operate daily with flights departing Maputo at 6am, arriving in Nampula at 8.40am.
Flights to Beira will also operate daily, with a twice-daily service operating on Sundays. From Maputo flights will depart at 11.25am, arriving in Beira at 1.15pm, while the additional Sunday flight will depart Maputo at 7.55pm, arriving in Beira at 9.45pm.
Flights to Tete will operate on Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays and Sundays, departing Maputo at 3.15pm, arriving in Tete at 5.30pm.
A new dimension added in travel to Mozambique
Tour operators and product owners in Mozambique have welcomed the news on the release of Fasjet's operating schedule for services into Mozambique.
“The release of the date, routes and schedule by Fastjet comes as positive news for Mozambique as a whole. We will now see a new dimension added in travel to Mozambique where travellers will achieve greater access to different the destinations in the country and where they will also benefit from more competitive pricing, which in turn can only bode well for the tourism industry in the country,” said Kevin Record, owner of Ibo Island Lodge in Mozambique.