Amplats close to completing $62m smelter in Zimbabwe
Allan Seccombe 27 Dec 2017
Dealing with levy defaulters in sectional title schemes
Mandi Hanekom 19 Sep 2016
It is from this place of frustration that trustees and managing agents often take a “desperate times call for desperate measures” approach and unlawfully place certain amounts on the defaulting member’s levy statement. While it is completely understandable that the trustees feel the need to take action to force the defaulting owner to make payment as a matter of urgency, it is important that they act in a lawful and appropriate manner when doing so. Here are some things to remain mindful of in such circumstances:
Naturally, the body corporate will want to recover the legal expenses it has incurred in the collection of arrear contributions from the member, but if the member fails and/or refuses to agree to pay such legal fees (which they almost always will), the management rules prescribed under the Sectional Titles Schemes Management Act require that the body corporate get the fees taxed before it can be legally recovered from the member. Therefore, trustees cannot simply add the body corporate attorney’s fees to the members levy account upon receipt of the invoice from the instructed law firm.
It is possible for the body corporate rules to provide for a penalty to be charged if an owner fails and/or refuses to pay his contributions timeously, but it is important to note that the trustees can only add such penalty to an owner’s levy account if it is specifically provided for in rules, which have been approved by the Community Schemes Ombud Service. In addition, the penalty needs to be reasonable in the circumstances. Has the owner been given fair warning that a penalty will be added to his account if he does not settle his debt, and has he been given an opportunity to explain why he has fallen behind on his payments and negotiate a payment plan? If not, the imposition of a penalty may not be reasonable.