IAS news: HIV negative women may be able to conceive naturally with their HIV positive partner
A small Swiss study presented on Monday to the Fourth IAS Conference in Sydney, suggests that HIV-negative women may be able to conceive safely by having unprotected intercourse with their HIV-positive male partner – as long as the partner's seminal viral load is undetectable, writes Ewin Bernard from Sydney.
A combination of couples counselling, STI screening, and timed intercourse – with the “psychological safeguard” of two doses of tenofovir (Viread) as pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) – has resulted in a pregnancy rate of over 70%, and no HIV transmission.
For the full text of this article, see here http://www.aidsmap.com/en/news/A6C646EE-3133-4B67-8FD6-6F33D9C8A31D.asp