All South Africans can register for Covid-19 jab from 16 April
Only people on the system will be vaccinated, but there will be assisted registration for those without internet access. “Once someone becomes eligible to be vaccinated they will then, receive an SMS with the date, time and venue of where to present themselves for vaccination,” said Dr Lesley Bamford, chief director, Department of Health.
“We need to ensure that every district or sub-district in the country understands exactly who their target population is and that they have the correct mix of vaccination sites and that each person who needs to be vaccinated is then linked to a vaccination site that is as close as possible to where that person resides,” she said.
There would be a range of vaccination sites, including public and private sector sites, which will be health facilities such as hospitals, clinics, pharmacies and GP practices and non-health sites such as schools, church halls, shopping centres and work-based occupational health sites.
There were also queues at all vaccination sites where people can present themselves for vaccination without scheduled booking.
Process on the day of vaccination
- Covid-19 screening People who test positive would not be allowed to proceed with vaccination. They would be referred for testing or “other appropriate management” although they will be given an opportunity to be vaccinated later.
- Identiftation People will be required to produce an ID card or equivalent. People who are on medical aid are requested to bring proof of their medical aid membership.
- Payment There is no payment involved and vaccination will always be free at the point-of-service delivery.
- Consent process They will proceed to vaccination where there is a short consent process and a few questions to make sure that there’s no contraindication to vaccinate after which the person should be vaccinated
- Post vaccine People will be observed period of 15 minutes after vaccination and if they show no ill effects15-minute period, they will be allowed to exit.
- Follow up People will then receive an SMS which indicates that they have been vaccinated and if they require a second dose they will receive a date for the second dose.