Matric exams enter final week
4 Dec 2023
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Angie Motshekga 17 Oct 2023
Umalusi approves Matric 2022 results
17 Jan 2023
The Minister said this when briefing journalists ahead of the department’s Budget Vote debate in the Old Assembly Chamber on Wednesday afternoon.
The establishment of the independent body, which is aimed at improving the regulation of examinations, was given the thumbs-up at last year’s meeting of the Council of Education Ministers (CEM).
“Last year, the CEM approved a proposal to conduct an exploratory study on the establishment of a National Examinations Council that is independent of the national and provincial governments.
“At the last CEM, the proposal was taken a step further with the approval to appoint consultants, who are experts in the fields related to this study.
“These experts will be appointed on a short–term contract to conduct this investigation and formulate a concept document on the mechanics of setting up and implementing a National Examinations Council,” she said.
The Minister said the panel of experts would focus on:
“We are looking forward to reporting back to you when a final decision has been made regarding the establishment of a National Examinations Council and if this would be a viable option for us here in South Africa,” she said.
Minister Motshekga said, meanwhile, that the council has also discussed strengthening the marking of the National Senior Certificate exams to ensure that they are reliable and valid.
“Umalusi noted improvements in the marking for the 2016 National Senior Certificate exams and we have seen improved accuracy and consistency in marking since 2014. However, despite this, we acknowledge that there are still challenges associated with the process of marker appointment in the various provinces, as it relates to the calibre and competency of markers.
“CEM approved a proposal to phase in a new model of training and registration of markers that will lead to a revamp of the marker recruitment process in all provinces and improved competency of markers,” Minister Motshekga said.
Minister Motshekga said the model, which is aimed at improving the quality of markers, would incorporate a number of aspects. This will include the preliminary selection of eligible markers, intensive training programme for eligible markers; the evaluation of the competency of eligible markers; the registration of approved markers and the appointment of markers for a specific marking session. is a South African government news service, published by the Government Communication and Information System (GCIS). (formerly BuaNews) was established to provide quick and easy access to articles and feature stories aimed at keeping the public informed about the implementation of government mandates.
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