HSFSA alleges advertising is misleading: issues alert
"The placement of the Heart Mark logo creates a false and misleading impression for consumers that all of the products depicted in the advertisement are endorsed by the HSFSA. In reality, only one product has the license to carry the Heart Mark endorsement (Helios Pure Sunflower Oil). Despite the HSFSA's warning, no amendments have been made to correct public perception. Currently no hard brick margarine is endorsed by the Heart Mark Programme, which is a trusted and well recognised brand run by the HSFSA.
"The process that goes into the procedure for Heart Mark approval is very stringent. The HSFSA employs a team of registered dieticians (qualified professionals) to ensure that every Heart Mark product undergoes independent laboratory testing and regular auditing for compliance with HSFSA's nutritional criteria. This guarantees that the Heart Mark logo remains a trusted and credible food endorsement guide for consumers.
"The HSFSA's main priority is commitment to public health and therefore has a responsibility to act upon any misrepresentation. The HSFSA invites the public to report any concerns or questions relating to the Heart Mark to the Heart Mark Diet Line at 0860 223 222 or email az.oc.noitadnuoftraeh@traeh.
"Valentina Riazanova, Erika Ketterer, (respectively business development manager, head of research and programme development) the Heart and Stroke Foundation SA: +27 (0) 21 403 6450; email az.oc.noitadnuoftraeh@anitnelav or az.oc.noitadnuoftraeh@akire."