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Charles Siboto
JJ Abrams' love letter to Star Wars

JJ Abrams' love letter to Star Wars
[Charles Siboto] Okay, by now we all know that Star Wars: The Force Awakens is good. It is frighteningly good.

Posted 8 years ago | Like
Preethi Vagadia
Programmatic advertising at its best with data-driven tactics

Programmatic advertising at its best with data-driven tactics
©rawpixel via 123RF
[Preethi Vagadia] Data is becoming increasingly important to how we perceive the world. How we utilise it, to interpret things that matter, depends on the kind of technology...

Posted 8 years ago | Like
Daniel Dercksen
Magical Winter's Tale live on the big screen

Magical Winter's Tale live on the big screen
[Daniel Dercksen] Nothing beats watching live theatre in the comfort of a cinema, and with the Kenneth Branagh Theatre Company launching its live theatre screenings at Cinema Nouveau on 16 January with Shakespeare's The Winter's Tale, theatre lovers are in for a real treat...

Posted 8 years ago | Like
Johann M. Smith
The Imperial Ice Stars are back to brag

The Imperial Ice Stars are back to brag
[Johann M. Smith] After a knockout success between 2006 to 2008 - scooping outstanding reviews and Best Special Entertainment Award at the Manchester Evening News Theatre Awards - the Imperial Ice Stars are back to brag with ballet's greatest love story on skates.

Posted 8 years ago | Like
Phindiwe Nkosi
Five ideas to fill your vacant off-peak rooms

PublicDomainPictures via
PublicDomainPictures via pixabay
[Phindiwe Nkosi] Tired of paying staff to twiddle their thumbs during off-peak seasons when guest occupancy levels are low?

Posted 8 years ago | Like
Lisa Illingworth
Map out your year with a financial vision board

Startup Stock Photos via
Startup Stock Photos via StockSnap
[Lisa Illingworth] January is generally the time of year for reflection and projection. We reflect upon the previous year, it's success and it's hardships...

Posted 8 years ago | Like
Leigh Andrews
[Behind the Selfie] with... Stijn Smolders

I love my tech, but love a ride around the Peninsula even more! Here I am on top of Red Hill with a characteristic SA background: a township that plays gospel music every time I pass on Sunday morning and the blue, bone-chillingly cold ocean in the back! Hope to see you on the road – but when in a car: Stay wider of the (bicycle) rider!
I love my tech, but love a ride around the Peninsula even more! Here I am on top of Red Hill with a characteristic SA background: a township that plays gospel music every time I pass on Sunday morning and the blue, bone-chillingly cold ocean in the back! Hope to see you on the road – but when in a car: Stay wider of the (bicycle) rider!
[Leigh Andrews] This week, we find out what's really going on behind the selfie with Stijn Smolders, CEO at Sprout Performance Media...

Posted 8 years ago | Like
Stephen Sandmann
Digital agency trends to live by in 2016

[Stephen Sandmann] I have the continued privilege of working with some of the best minds in the digital marketing industry. While doing so, I've picked up a few things that I believe are worth noting for the year ahead...

Posted 8 years ago | Like (2)
Dee Stephens
10 things you have to know about SEO and social media in 2016

10 things you have to know about SEO and social media in 2016
©Danil Roudenko via 123RF
[Dee Stephens] There is a misunderstanding about how social media and SEO work together, whilst we know that social media does affect the search rank, nobody seems to understand how...

Posted 8 years ago | Like
Daniel Munslow
Recruitment trends 2016

Recruitment trends 2016
[Daniel Munslow] Leaders realise that to successfully run their companies, they need a clear business strategy that meets strategic challenges and drives the organisation forward...

Posted 8 years ago | Like (1)
Mike dos Santos
Five skills you need to be a strategist

Five skills you need to be a strategist
[Mike dos Santos] People in the industry often view the strategist and the creative as different animals. However, spend enough time with both of these individuals and you will come to realise that there are actually more traits that they have in common...

Posted 8 years ago | Like (1)
Nicci Botha
[BizTrends 2016] Five recruitment trends to look out for in 2016

[BizTrends 2016] Five recruitment trends to look out for in 2016
[Nicci Botha] Whereas in the past, the human resources department of any big corporate were the people who made sure salaries were paid on time, with the cost of recruitment and the legislative web surrounding labour law, HR is a whole other ballgame today...

Posted 8 years ago | Like
John Sanei
All these trends! What am I supposed to be doing with them?

All these trends! What am I supposed to be doing with them?
© Andriy Popov –
[John Sanei] In the past five years the number of trends websites and trend experts have doubled if not tripled. The ability to understand the future is the promise...

Posted 8 years ago | Like (3)
Nicci Botha
[BizTrends 2016] Five future developments in education

[BizTrends 2016] Five future developments in education
[Nicci Botha] There is no doubt that there was an 'education spring' in South Africa with #feesmustfall dominating the headlines and social media in 2015, while - in response - the government and universities scrambled to open up access to tertiary education...

Posted 8 years ago | Like (2)
Martin Walshaw
Five security resolutions to keep this year

cherylholt via
cherylholt via pixabay
[Martin Walshaw] Resolutions. Everyone makes them but not everyone sticks to them. But when it comes to IT security, organisations cannot afford to be complacent...

Posted 8 years ago | Like
Desiree Gullan
Digital marketing trends for SA in 2016

Digital marketing trends for SA in 2016
[Desiree Gullan] Here are four key trends that will shape the approach to digital marketing in 2016...

Posted 8 years ago | Like
Endri Hasanaj
Manufacturing: how to keep your warehouse safe

Manufacturing: how to keep your warehouse safe
[Endri Hasanaj] The manufacturing industry comes with its own trials and travails when it comes to structuring your workplace. You've got to ensure your employees aren't in any immediate danger, that your machinery has enough space to operate, that your supplies of stock are safe from prying eyes and that all health-and-safety regulations are being met...

Posted 8 years ago | Like
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