John Manyarara Investigative Journalism Award - Call for entries
MISA is inviting entries for the MISA John Manyarara Investigative Journalism Award. This award is in honour of retired Judge John Oliver Manyarara, the founding Chairperson of the MISA Trust Fund Board (TFB) (1994 -2000), who retired from the TFB on September 8, 2000.
The award seeks to recognise excellence in investigative journalism in any form of media in the SADC region (except D R Congo, Mauritius and Seychelles). The award carries a cash price of Euro 2 000 and a scholarship to the value of Euro 10 000. The scholarship should be used to further the recipient's journalism professional training. The award is given for an article or series of articles that demonstrate investigative skills and presentation of facts. The winner's work will be published/broadcast in a major Dutch newspaper or broadcaster with the assistance of our partner The Netherlands Institute of Southern Africa (NIZA).
To qualify, entries must have been originally published or aired between January 1 and December 31, 2003 in any of the SADC countries (except DR Congo, Mauritius and Seychelles). The entry must take the form of a single article or a series of articles on the same subject, published in a newspaper, journal, magazine or other print media, or on the Internet or aired on radio or TV. For broadcast media entries, a written transcript of the article or series of articles must be submitted together with details of when and where the broadcast was made. Articles entered must be in either English or Portuguese.
Entries should include a copy of the article in its original published form or, if sent by e-mail, should contain details of when and in which publication it was made.
The closing date for entries is April 10, 2004. The award ceremony will be held in Lusaka, Zambia on April 30, 2004. On that day, MISA will host an Investigative Journalism symposium for investigative journalists and students in Lusaka, to be led by Mr Geoff Nyarota, a well known Zimbabwean journalist, currently on a Nieman Fellowship at Harvard University in the USA.
Entries should be sent by courier to: Bonita Kangootui, 21 Johann Albrecht Street, Windhoek West, Namibia or by airmail to her on Private Bag 13386, Windhoek, Namibia. Fax: 264 61 248016 or by e-mail: .
Editorial contact
Media Institute of Southern Africa
Rui Correia
Tel: 264 62 232975 (Namibia)