Media Galleries South Africa



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Mansion Ice Party
Mansion Ice Party
7 Dec 2011 15:33
S’bu Duma, Annemarie Murray, Latitia Venter, Ra-eesah Vaja and Pieter Pretorius from Eskom pose with media industry stalwart John Farquhar.
Cannes show reel showcased at The MediaShop's last forum for 2011
To wrap up its forums for the year, The MediaShop hosted its annual end of year Cannes Show Reel at Ster Kinekor in Sandton City.
16 Nov 2011 15:31
AMASA Halloween party a devilish success
AMASA Halloween party a devilish success
The Advertising Media Association of South Africa's (AMASA) annual event, this year themed Halloween, attracted the media industry's scariest zombies, vampires, ghouls and mummies to a ghostly party for a cause. 1000 creepy revellers flocked to Thatchers in Lonehill recently to party the night away and raise funds for the AMASA Learnership Programme (ALP).
8 Nov 2011 13:35
Russell James (Photographer)
Candice Swanepoel (Model)
Marie Claire's annual November body issue
Marie Claire magazine's annual November Body issue went on sale this week and this year Marie Claire has decided to do things differently by addressing the body-image issue head on.
27 Oct 2011 15:29
Bonang Matheba
You spectacular awards
20 Jul 2011 14:18
SAMSA Media Day
SAMSA Media Day
7 Jun 2011 16:02
Ray-Ban media day
Ray-Ban media day
1 Jun 2011 13:37
2011 MTN Radio Awards
2011 MTN Radio Awards
The 2011 MTN Radio Awards were held on Saturday 9 April and over 600 industry luminaries attended this gala event in Sandton. With double the number of both participants and entries across all languages, the stations' work was judged by a diverse panel of industry experts.
11 Apr 2011 10:47
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