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#BizTrends2024: Bronwyn Williams – Techno-optimism not acceleration: How to make friends with machines
This exclusive #BizTrends2024 interview is with future thinker and Flux Trends partner, Bronwyn Williams.
17 Jan 2024 10:36
#BizTrends2024: Ndeye Diagne - Africa at a crossroads: Threads of gold
This exclusive #BizTrends2024 interview is with Ndeye Diagne, the managing director West, East and Central Africa at Kantar.
16 Jan 2024 13:37
#ACACaresCovid19: Unlocking value chains in smaller, transformed and Black-owned agencies
Ann Nurock senior partner, Relationship Audits and Management and Rorisang Setlogelo MD and founder of Roth Media, a Black-owned, female-owned agency share powerful insights about how every step of the value chain contributes to greater representation, sharing economies and the importance of female voices in boardrooms.
18 Aug 2020 11:00