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Dr Nikolaus Eberl
Just how much is a FIFA World Cup slot worth?

Just how much is a FIFA World Cup slot worth?
[Dr Nikolaus Eberl] As the qualified teams are preparing for the ultimate battle of world football, many analysts are wondering just how much the highly coveted slot at the FIFA World Cup is worth in economic terms. Fortunately, recent events helped shed light on this issue, when Thierry Henry's handball helped France beat Ireland to reach the world cup finals.

Posted 14 years ago | Like
Simone Puterman
Simone Puterman commented on ‘Tough' scam ad rules wide open to interpretation

Dear Disappointed

Thank you for your comments and feedback - much appreciated.

Please note, however, that Louise Marsland has been editor-in-chief of AdVantage magazine since January 2009.

Also please note that Bizcommunity is not just about hard (and soft) news, it is also about opinion (which this piece is), and we do these days label our content in the strapline above the story title:

COMPANY NEWS (for press office releases)

Plus I am now introducing column names for a select few contributors.

I invite you to identify yourself and write an opinion piece regarding what it is like to be a creative in the ad industry these days. Please email it to, along with a low res portait pic, two-to-three sentence biography including designation, contact details you're willing to share with the world, and social media links.

Kind regards

Simone Puterman
Managing Editor:

Posted 14 years ago | Like
Chris Moerdyk
SA's biggest marketing challenge: post-2010

SA's biggest marketing challenge: post-2010
[Chris Moerdyk] When the final whistle blows at the final of the 2010 FIFA World Cup match, South Africa will face a marketing challenge bigger than anything in its history. However successful the actual event is, the country will have to embark on a substantial marketing campaign to ensure that all those billions of viewers don't forget where the world cup was held and to keep enticing prospective investors and tourists.

Posted 14 years ago | Like
Kevin Bloom
What rhymes with dilemma? How a news blackout could happen

Kevin Bloom[Kevin Bloom] Yusuf Abramjee, head of news and current affairs at Primedia and chairman of the National Press Club, has been the media's point man in terms of the reaction to the events of the past few weeks. He has revealed to The Daily Maverick what's been going on behind the scenes, and what it would take for a news boycott of Julius Malema to be put into practice.

Posted 14 years ago | Like
Phillip de Wet
For newsy online video, first can be best

For newsy online video, first can be best
[Phillip de Wet] When The Daily Maverick last week published a 17-second video of ANC Youth League leader Julius Malema kicking BBC journalist Jonah Fisher out of a news conference, we expected slightly more than normal interest. Instead it's gotten almost 180 000 so far people viewing the clip, most of them within two days. [video]

Posted 14 years ago | Like
Phillip de Wet
Over-the-counter World Cup ticket sales start amid crowd chaos

Phillip de Wet[Phillip de Wet] South Africans aren't interested in buying tickets for the World Cup? Tell that to the guy who rushed the doors of the Sandton ticket office shortly after it opened this morning, Thursday, 15 April 2010, got thrown back with considerable violence - and then got up to try again. [video]

Posted 14 years ago | Like
Terry Levin
Terry Levin
Posted 14 years ago | Like
Mosa Monku
Mosa Monku commented on 2010 concert: FIFA, LOC slam ‘short-sighted' critics

Local artist should be given first priority in the first place
it shouldn't be disccused.

Posted 14 years ago | Like
Simone Puterman
Simone Puterman commented on Jupiter among leading independent agencies

This story from last year explains it all:

WPP buys 49% stake in Jupiter group

Posted 14 years ago | Like
Herman Manson
‘Tough' scam ad rules wide open to interpretation

‘Tough' scam ad rules wide open to interpretation
[Herman Manson] Is there a discrepancy between the spirit of the new scam ad rules introduced by advertising awards shows and how the rules are applied in reality?

Posted 14 years ago | Like
Gill Moodie
Many shades of grey in AMPS readership figures

Many shades of grey in AMPS readership figures
[Gill Moodie] You might have noticed recently that some newspapers have been trumpeting their rise in readership based on the AMPS 2009 figures released by the South African Advertising Research Foundation (SAARF) at the end of last month. This is, of course, complete public relations hooey.

Posted 14 years ago | Like (1)
Debbie Hathway
The Bolshoi of the circus world comes to town

The Bolshoi of the circus world comes to town
[Debbie Hathway] Circus royalty comes to Cape Town when The Great Moscow Circus opens at GrandWest on Friday. It stars the official Moscow-based Rosgoscirk (Russian State Circus Company), the biggest circus company in the world with national status as high as the Bolshoi Ballet - its performers have to be as highly trained! Its general director is People's Artist of Russia, Alexander Kalmykov.

Posted 14 years ago | Like
Herman Manson
Trillion Dollar campaign not scam, says Cannes

Trillion Dollar campaign not scam, says Cannes
[Herman Manson] Cannes has ruled that the Trillion Dollar campaign for The Zimbabwean, created by TBWA\Hunt\Lascaris, is not in breach of its rules against scam ads. Philip Thomas, Cannes Lions International Advertising Festival CEO, responded to (usually anonymous) allegations levelled from within the South African advertising industry that the work could potentially qualify as scam.

Posted 14 years ago | Like
Amod Munga
Amod Munga commented on Radio lineups: reinventing to stay relevant, competitive

It needs to be relevant. People listen to radio stations that resonate with their outlook and lifestyle. If the content is nebulous, the station loses listeners, advertisers and revenue.
This is more true today than ever since contemporary music production means there's a lot of crossover between the formats and this means content is the only real difference between one radio station and the next. And the fault can't be attributed to presenters alone. Often when the listener figures drop, the knee-jerk reaction is to throw out the DJ's. That fixes nothing. You can change presenters as much as you want but if your holistic approach to content across the station is nowhere near to what your audience finds interesting, you're just throwing good money after bad.
In the words of Bill Bernbach (founder of the ad-agency DDB), "[People] won't listen to you if you're not interesting, and you won't be interesting unless you say things imaginatively, originally, freshly."

Posted 14 years ago | Like
Louise Burgers
iPad holds promise for print titles

iPad holds promise for print titles
[Louise Burgers] It's shiny, slim and elegant, weighs no more than an A4 notebook and accords the user more status than the iPhone. It's also been credited with the fact that it will change the way we consume media forever. But you know what, the iPad doesn't fit into my handbag and I'm not sure where it will fit into my life...

Posted 14 years ago | Like
Issa Sikiti da Silva
Radio lineups: reinventing to stay relevant, competitive

Issa Sikiti da Silva[Issa Sikiti da Silva] As the year cruises into its second quarter, the bells are ringing at various radio stations, announcing new lineups, new shows and some restructuring. It is a clear indication that the time of reinvention has come, and the ones that remain stagnant despite repeated calls to change will be forsaken by listeners and advertisers.

Posted 14 years ago | Like
Barbara Ulmi
Barbara Ulmi commented on A quick look into the world of webinars

We've started using webinars as a new sales and support tool, thus targeting both existing and new clients. We've been using ReadyTalk quite successfully, which allows you to upload and edit all your communication emails on their easy-to-use platform and we were also able to grab the webinar links and integrate them with our landing page on our site. However, the audio component is not satisfactory since we have to ask our participants to call in via a call share number, which incurs costs for both them and us. We're busy investigating GoToWebinar which allows you to conduct webinars via VoIP (audio streams straight through PC/ laptop speakers, free of charge).

Posted 14 years ago | Like
Zeenat Ebrahim
Date Night with Tina Fey and Steve Carell

Date Night with Tina Fey and Steve Carell
[Zeenat Ebrahim] In Date Night, a case of mistaken identity turns around a boring married couple's attempt at a romantic evening into something more dangerous and thrilling. Phil (Steve Carell) and Claire Foster (Tina Fey) chose the wrong place at the wrong time and soon they find themselves in anything but a boring routine.

Posted 14 years ago | Like
Zeenat Ebrahim
The err of errs

The err of errs
[Zeenat Ebrahim] I thought Valentine's Day was over, but it seems that in April, fools rush in. The Accidental Husband is another cliché with a difference that tries to steer away from the conventional except there isn't any way around a typical romantic comedy no matter how you disguise it.

Posted 14 years ago | Like
Gabi Nkabinde
Gabi Nkabinde commented on CreamCartel launches for the switched-on young

Remember when i first saw it i was those kids are colour friendly!... Digz IT!

Posted 14 years ago | Like
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