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[Times Press Ad Challenge] Ster-Kinekor goes for Guptagate
[Times Press Ad Challenge] Ster-Kinekor goes for Guptagate
In May 2013 the Guptagate saga took the country by storm and dominated news headlines for weeks. South Africans were kept captivated by the news of the lavish wedding ceremony, high profile name-dropping incidents, and the controversial Waterkloof Airport landing. Rate Ster-Kinekor's entry into The Times Press Challenge.
8 Aug 2013 13:24
[Times Press Ad Challenge] L’Oreal covers 50 Shades of Grey
[Times Press Ad Challenge] L’Oreal covers 50 Shades of Grey
50 Shades of Grey, the book that rocketed to fame because of its erotic storyline, received significant media attention. Rate L’Oreal's entry in The Times Press Challenge.
8 Aug 2013 12:56
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