Namibians celebrate 10 years of advertising excellence
The judges for the awards were Garth Walker from Orange Juice Design, Durban; Jono Shubitz, ex-O&M; and Joe de Souza from Wieden & Kennedy in Amsterdam.
The event, mcced by comedian Mark Banks, saw 46 Silver and Stone (Gold) Awards. The haul for the internationally affiliated agencies was:
The complete list of entries and winners is as follows:
2006 Namibian Gecko Awards Winners
Name of Entry: GIPF ~ Celebrating Abilities
Title: "Can't See"
Awarded to: Adforce Advertising
Name of Entry: 2004 Gecko Awards
Title: The Greatest Show On Earth
Awarded to: DV8 Saatchi & Saatchi
Name of Entry: British American Tobacco
Title: Excellence Breeds Brilliance
Awarded to: DV8 Saatchi & Saatchi
Name of Entry: Classic Safari Camps Of Namibia
Title: Namibia ~ Classic Safari Camps of Africa
Awarded to: Brückner Management Services
Name of Entry: Namibia Tourism Board
Title: Branding Namibia
Awarded to: Advantage McCann
Name of Entry: Namibia Tourism Board
Title: Career Guide
Awarded to: Advantage McCann
Name of Entry: Desert Express ~ Transnamib
Title: Board A Journey of Discovery
Awarded to: DV8 Saatchi & Saatchi
Name of Entry: MTC
Title: N$10 Recharge Voucher
Awarded to: Advantage McCann
Original Music
Name of Entry: MTC
Title: Per Second Billing ~ Kwaito Jingle
Awarded to: David Teren
Original Music
Name of Entry: MTC
Title: Email ~ Kwaito Jingle
Awarded to: David Teren
Name of Entry: Radio Energy
Title: Speaker
Awarded to: Sector 09
Name of Entry: Namibia Breweries Limited
Title: Hansa Pilsner Sport
Awarded to: Sector 09
Stone Awards in Crafts:
Name of Entry: Maid In Africa
Title: Business Card Pegs
Awarded to: Weirdesign
Name of Entry: 2004 Gecko Awards
Title: The Greatest Show On Earth
Awarded to: Sector 09
OUTDOOR ~ No Awards
Technical Literature - Annual Report
Name of Entry: MTC
Title: MTC Annual Report
Awarded to: Advantage McCann
Technical Literature - Brochures
Name of Entry: Desert Express ~ Transnamib
Title: Board a Journey of Discovery
Awarded to: DV8 Saatchi & Saatchi
Technical Literature - Brochures
Name of Entry: Namibia Tourism Board
Title: Branding Namibia
Awarded to: Advantage McCann
Technical Literature - Brochures
Name of Entry: Classic Safari Camps of Namibia
Title: Namibia ~ Classic Safari Camps of Africa
Awarded to: Brückner Management Services
Design Corporate ID
Name of Entry: Jaco Wasserfall Architects
Title: Business Card
Awarded to: DV8 Saatchi & Saatchi
Design Posters
Name of Entry: 2004 Gecko Awards
Title: The Greatest Show On Earth ~ Jester
Awarded to: DV8 Saatchi & Saatchi
Design Posters
Name of Entry: 2004 Gecko Awards
Title: The Greatest Show On Earth ~ Tiger
Awarded to: DV8 Saatchi & Saatchi
Design Posters
Name of Entry: Shakatura Poster
Title: Shakatura Poster
Awarded to: Weirdesign
Cover Design
Name of Entry: Namport
Title: Syncrolift Tariff Book
Awarded to: DV8 Saatchi & Saatchi
Cover Design
Name of Entry: Namibia Institute for Democracy
Title: Annual Report
Awarded to: DV8 Saatchi & Saatchi
Design ~ Packaging
Name of Entry: Capricorn Sweets
Title: Yoghurt 4u2 Chew ~ wrappers
Awarded to: Insite Communications
Design ~ Internet Website
Name of Entry: Interact FCB
Title: Interact Website - Self Promotion
Awarded to: Interact FCB
Design ~ Internet Website
Name of Entry: Power and Glory Films
Title: Self Promotion
Awarded to: Power and Glory Films
Design ~ Other
Name of Entry: Maid In Africa
Title: Namibian Hand Postcard
Awarded to: Weirdesigns
Product & Services
Name of Entry: Bank Windhoek
Title: Hair Salon
Awarded to: DV8 Saatchi & Saatchi
Product & Services
Name of Entry: MTC
Title: N$10 Recharge Voucher
Awarded to: Advantage McCann
Product & Services
Name of Entry: Windhoek Schlachterei
Title: Sausage
Awarded to: Advantage McCann
Name of Entry: Kalahari Sands Hotel & Casino
Title: Christmas in July
Awarded to: Advantage McCann
Name of Entry: Ogilvy Namibia
Title: Art Director Needed
Awarded to: Ogilvy Namibia
Name of Entry: African Curiotique
Title: Hangover
Awarded to: Expresso Instant Advertising
Product & Services
Name of Entry: Namibia Breweries Limited
Title: Sport Sponsorship
Awarded to: Advantage McCann
Product & Services
Name of Entry: GIPF
Title: Pension Benefits
Awarded to: Adforce Advertising
Public Service
Name of Entry: National Road Safety Council
Title: Domino's
Awarded to: Advantage McCann
Stone Awards in Television & Corporate Video
TV ~ Documentary Video
Name of Entry: Optimedia CC
Title: Documentary Video for Woman & Child Protection Unit
Awarded to: Optimedia
TV ~ Corporate Video
Name of Entry: Gobabeb
Title: Fundraising Corporate Video
Awarded to: Power & Glory Films
Promotional Marketing
Name of Entry: Kalahari Sands Hotel & Casino
Title: Golf Day Invite
Awarded to: Expresso Instant Advertising
Promotional Marketing
Name of Entry: Old Mutual
Title: Pizza Slices
Awarded to: Ogilvy Namibia
Stone Award for Promotional Marketing
Promotional Marketing
Name of Entry: Maid in Africa
Title: Maid in Africa
Awarded to: Weirddesign
Print Campaign
Name of Entry: Medishield
Title: Medishield Print Campaign
Awarded to: Trustco Media
Television Campaign
Name of Entry: First National Bank
Title: Get Cardwise
Awarded to: DV8 Saatchi & Saatchi
Stone Award for Campaigns
Design Campaigns
Name of Entry: 2004 Gecko Awards
Title: The Greatest Show On Earth
Awarded to: DV8 Saatchi & Saatchi
Integrated Media ~ Concept
Name of Entry: Namibia Dairies
Title: Drinki Campaign
Awarded to: Advantage McCann
Name of Entry: Maid in Africa
Title: Business Card
Awarded to: Weirdesigns