NAB adds two Namibian dailies to its bouquet
"The combined daily readership of the papers exceeds 113 000, and although English is the lingua franca, German and Afrikaans are the languages of the most influential and professional people in Namibia - critical household decision-makers," said Gill Randall, Joint Managing Director of NAB.
"These two additions to NAB present many opportunities to current and potential advertisers looking to reach affluent readers in Namibia." NAB represents 150 free and sold community and daily newspapers across the country.
The Republikein is respected for its accurate and unbiased reporting of hard news. It offers in-depth coverage of economics, entertainment and sport, and successful, comprehensive classified sections; 65% of readers are 25-50 years old, and 93% fall into the top income brackets in Namibia. Chiefly sold in Windhoek's affluent suburbs, the Monday to Thursday circulation is 18 900, jumping to 22 000 on Fridays.
Namibia's oldest German newspaper, Allgemeine Zeitung, was launched 89 years ago. Readership represents a small but highly influential group of decision-makers, mostly professional people, landowners and owners of tourism enterprises. The estimated daily readership of 13 000, chiefly in the 25-50 age group, includes 63% with tertiary education, with the majority falling into Namibia's top income brackets.
The print order has grown from 4 000 copies to almost 6 000 in the past two years; 79% of readers read Allgemeine Zeitung five times per week and 92% have been reading the paper for the past five years or more. Circulation Monday to Friday is 5 600.
Tourismus Namibia, a supplement distributed with Allgemeine Zeitung, covers tourism sector news, travel destinations and leisure activities. It has a print order of 13 000 and apart from being distributed through Allgemeine Zeitung is available at trade fairs in German-speaking countries in Europe, as well as in London and South Africa, and on in- and out-bound Air Namibia flights. Special sections with English content on Cape Town are included.