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Ideal for financial advisors, tax or insurance consultants, banking services, mobile banking developers, corporate financiers, fintech, investment advisors, wealth fund managers, specialist recruiters in the finance industries, financial educational institutions, Fin courses and training facilitators, African financial institutions, finance media, financiers, specialist banks such as Agribank, investment, mining and commodities brokers or advertising agencies with financial clients.

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The ultimate, unlimited publishing package in Africa:
  • Press Release package: The ultimate, unlimited publishing package in Africa to share your financial content on Africa's biggest B2B news site

  • Thought leader interviews: On demand video interviews with key people in your organisation, anywhere, anytime

  • Adservice: Three month run-of-site ads served to our targeted industry professionals across 18 sectors to be redeemed any time

  • Bizfin Focus Report 2018: Your brand on curated interviews with leading industry financial names and Blockchain Africa Conference content

  • SONA & budget speech content: Your sponsor name on this high value searched content

  • Social media sharing: Your content amplified via Bizcommunity channels

Claim this win-win opportunity - grow financial thought leadership in our region, while you grow your own company reputation (and shares).

That's why we call them Biz communities!

Cost: R65 000 for one year

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