Facebook launches improved analytics tool
Facebook's Insights Dashboard is designed to act as a single resource for all analytics related to the social networking site. Site administrators are now able to view metrics around specific items of content "liked" on their website, and see how many users have commented on page posts.
Domain administrators can now access sharing metrics and demographic information per domain and per URL so they can optimize your content for sharing and better tailor content to their audiences.
Trend towards a more community-driven internet
Facebook Insights also includes feedback for stream stories, referral traffic for applications, breakdowns of actions, active user count, and user demographics. Page administrators can see analytics for referral traffic and stream stories in the Insights dashboard, as well as tab views for their page. Insights will capture engagement with pages regardless of whether an action was taken on or off Facebook
In the UK, research figures for May show that visits to social networking sites overtook visits to search sites for the first time, as sites like Facebook head the trend towards a more community-driven internet.
Source: Cream: Inspiring Innovation
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