D&AD global awards judges: a tough bunch to please...
D&AD said in a release that winning a Yellow or Black Pencil will be as difficult a task as ever in 2006. The announcement follows a survey of this year's D&AD Jury, which reveals that just over 73% of judges have never been completely happy with a piece of their own work - never mind anyone else's.
D&AD Judges, who all responded to the job description: 'obsessed with creativity', must decide who, if anyone, should be awarded a D&AD Yellow or Black Pencil for groundbreaking creative work.
"Judging Week is the start of D&AD Congress 06 - four weeks with something for everyone who is passionate about creativity," said D&AD chief executive Michael Hockney. "I especially look forward to the public debate over the judges' selections at the D&AD Global Awards Nominations Exhibition at Old Billingsgate in May (May 3 - 5, 2006)."
Taking place over four weeks in London, D&AD Congress 06 is the physical manifestation of D&AD's work fulfilling its tripartite mission. It brings together the broadest audiences to experience, listen, debate, share and celebrate the creative year. D&AD is obsessed with creativity and is keen to demonstrate how creative excellence contributes to business success. Go to: www.dandad.org/congress for more.
D&AD Global Awards 2006 key facts:
- This is D&AD's most successful Call for Entries to date with more entries across more categories from more countries than ever before.
- Over 24 000 pieces of work were entered.
- 61 countries entered work. First time entries came from: Bahrain, Venezuela, Ecuador, Bulgaria, Morocco and Serbia.
- There has been a significant increase in entries to craft categories across all sectors.
- Over 300 judges will attend Judging Week, from 23 countries.
Visit: http://www.dandad.org/awards06/ for a full list of D&AD Judges and jury foremen.
D&AD is a not-for-profit organisation that represents the international design, advertising and creative communities. More than any other organisation, D&AD sets industry standards, educates and inspires the next generation and promotes the importance of creativity, innovation and ideas within the business community. Visit www.dandad.org for further information.