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Logistics & TransportElectric cars alone won't save the planet. We'll need to design cities so people can walk and cycle safely
Timothy Welch 17 Nov 2021
ESG & SustainabilityUse of leaded petrol eliminated in 'milestone' for health and environment, UN says
Emma Rumney 31 Aug 2021
Logistics & TransportThere aren't enough batteries to electrify all cars - focus on trucks and buses instead
Cameron Roberts 31 Jul 2020
ESG & SustainabilityWhy Ford, Chanel and other companies pitch in during a crisis - without the government ordering them to
Elham Mafi-Kreft and Steven Kreft 26 May 2020
Logistics & TransportElectric cars might not yet be green, but we should buy them anyway
Ranald Boydell 3 Dec 2019
Marketing & MediaElon Musk says Netflix and YouTube are coming to Teslas
Shereesa Moodley 31 Jul 2019
AutomotiveTesla's problem: overestimating automation, underestimating humans
Bettina Büchel and Dario Floreano 4 May 2018
AutomotiveDriverless cars might follow the rules of the road, but what about the language of driving?
Abdesalam Soudi 26 Jan 2018
Logistics & TransportCar-sharing firm zips across to petrol vans in bid to cut diesel use
23 Nov 2017