Editor's column

The Salticrax month - 13 Jan 2014

By Shan Radcliffe, Group Head - Retail (@Biz_Retail)

The Salticrax month - Mon, 13 Jan 2014With some of us (myself included) taking a little extra time out and only stepping back into the office today, let's see what the first full week of the New Year had in store for us...

Car sales struggled through December and annual export sales did not reach expectations. Retail stocks are also feeling the strain of tightened consumer spending.

On the shelves, the Agricultural Product Standards Act is now prohibiting the sale of immature avocados.

January feels like a particularly long month, financially speaking, and as a friend of mine so aptly dubbed it, "the Salticrax month". So for all of you who have been dining out on the "end-of-the-month Salticrax" for the past week, Matthew Samuel has offered up some pointers on how to make the most of online daily deals when shopping on a budget.

Finally, have you been doing a little late spring cleaning of your wardrobe and aren't sure what to do with your unwanted garb? Why not donate it to The Street Store and make a homeless person's day?

Have a fantastic week!

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