Global Awards announces 2017 executive and grand juries
“For almost a quarter of a century the Global Awards has been dedicated to honouring the best work. It is all about the work,” said Fran Pollaro, executive director, Global Awards.
“The 2017 Global Awards executive and grand juries are committed to recognising the ground-breaking achievements of the teams of men and women who strive to raise the bar of creative communications. Our juries’ dedication and high standard of excellence has meant that the ongoing legacy of the Globals is respected around the world, both by the winners themselves and in industry reports measuring the competitive excellence of world-wide advertising and communications competitions.”
Two juries this year
This year marks the first year that the competition has enlisted two separate and specialised executive juries to select those entries who will earn trophies for the 2017 competition. The recent reconfiguration of the executive jury divides the jury into two separate panels, Pharma(Rx) and Health & Wellness. This split ensures that renowned international talent with global knowledge and perspective from the industry judges each entry from each exclusive designation. The executive jury will review the entries that achieve finalist status as selected by the Global Awards grand jury.
2017 Pharma (RX) executive jury
- Chairwoman: Robin Shapiro, Global President, TBWA\WorldHealth US
- Dick Dunford, creative partner, Loooped UK
- Tina Fascetti, chief creative officer, Guidemark Health US
- Tim Hawkey, EVP MD & ECD, Area 23 US
- Rich Levy, chief creative officer, FCB Health US
- Gerrard Malcolm, owning director, Insight Agencies Australia
- Guy Mastrion, chief creative officer, Brandforming US
- Shaheed Peera, ECD, Publicis LifeBrands UK
- Gustavo Pratt, MD and chief creative officer, Asterisco Healthcare Communications Mexico
- Xavier Sanchez, founder, CCO & CEO, Umbilical and Spain
- Scott Watson, global chief creative officer, Ogilvy CommonHealth Worldwide US
2017 Health & Wellness executive jury
- Chairwoman: Elizabeth Elfenbein, Partner, chief creative officer, The Bloc US
- Praful Akali, founder and MD, Medulla Healthcare Communications India
- Kathy Delaney, global chief creative officer, Saatchi & Saatchi Wellness US
- Diego Freitas, creative director, Havas Life São Paulo Brazil
- Diane Iler-Smith, chief creative officer, Ogilvy US
- Steven Michaelson, founder, CEO, Calcium US
- Graham Mills, global chief creative officer, Publicis Health US
- Jeremy Perrott, global chief creative officer, McCann Health US
- Beth Sabbatini, EVP ECD, H4B Chelsea US
- Gary Scheiner, EVP, chief creative officer, Grey Health Group UA
- David Sonderman, chief creative officer, GSW US
- Andrew Spurgeon, ECD, Langland UK
Global jury makes first cut
The Global Awards grand jury, of award-winning creatives from around the world, is charged with reviewing all entries submitted to the competition via the online judging platform. Their collective votes ensure that all entries achieving finalist status and progressing to the Executive Jury judging round represent the world’s best healthcare and wellness advertising. To date, the 2017 grand jury comprises 46 creative executives and leaders from 44 world-wide agencies, representing 13 countries around the globe, a non-partial and world-class jury.
The 2017 Global Award winners will be announced 16 November and will be showcased at awards ceremonies in New York City and Sydney, Australia. The 2017 Global Awards ceremony will take place on Thursday 16 November at New York Academy of Sciences in New York City.
The Global Awards will accept entries until 15 September 2017. For more information, click here.