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Henrie Geyser
New vehicle sales idling along

New vehicle sales idling along
[Henrie Geyser] Local new vehicle sales lost some momentum in February with a gain of only 1.6% over February last year but exports rocketed 22.4% higher than the previous year. While local sales were only up 832 vehicles to 53,220, exports increased by 5,057 to 27,611.

Posted 11 years ago | Like
Douglas Kruger
Use iconography to stand out

Use iconography to stand out
[Douglas Kruger] For millennia, we've used ostentatious outward displays of wealth to indicate to the village that 'I am a heap big important cheese'. The S-Class Merc and Gucci shoes of today are really just an extension in trajectory from the feathers and beads of our forebears; a way of saying, 'Behold in awe the very amazingness of me!'

Posted 11 years ago | Like (3)
Will Smith
Overseas education consultants - Steering educational goals of the students

Will Smith[Will Smith] It is a dream of millions of students worldwide to study abroad to give a new shape to their career. Getting a degree from a renowned international university is recognised throughout the world. The foreign universities have the first-class infrastructure and offer a wide range of courses to the students. The universities provide an international exposure to the students, which enable them to get high paid jobs in multinational companies.

Posted 11 years ago | Like
Angie Lawrence
Shimmy Beach Club, one for the books!

Shimmy Beach Club, one for the books!
[Angie Lawrence] Forget "up-and-coming", this venue has arrived - with full trendy force too. Set on the edge of the Atlantic Ocean in Cape Town, from the kitchen of celebrated culinary master, Seelan Sundoo, Shimmy Beach Club's menu presents a stellar array of gastronomic offerings set to delight the most discerning of pallets. Shimmy Beach, as it is affectionately known, is Cape Town's newest 'it' place to be, a tucked away gem of style and sophistication for sure.

Posted 11 years ago | Like (2)
Adrian Botha
Illicit alcohol still skirting sin taxes with negative impact

Illicit alcohol still skirting sin taxes with negative impact
[Adrian Botha] The imposition of higher taxes on alcohol and legislation, such as the proposed ad ban and the Gauteng Liquor Act, focuses on the regulated industry, but not much is being done to address issues that stem from the non-regulated industry.

Posted 11 years ago | Like
Athar Naser
Content: Creating rather than buying

Athar Naser[Athar Naser] People are attracted to content marketing for a number of reasons. One of the biggest reasons is that digital distribution channels such as social networks, blogs and even their own sites have made it possible for brands to become content creators themselves rather than needing to sponsor traditional media channels.

Posted 11 years ago | Like
Mark Corke
Oscar, Oscar, Oscar... What have you done?

Mark Corke[Mark Corke] How quickly can this situation turn for anybody - absolutely anybody? How can it affect your business? How tenuous is the position of a small or medium-size business? You go to bed, and in the morning you wake up to news that your most important employee has been arrested for shooting somebody.

Posted 11 years ago | Like
Terry Levin
[Design Indaba 2013] David Adjaye shines the light

Francis Gregory Library
Francis Gregory Library
[Terry Levin] Back on the Design Indaba stage after seven years, David Adjaye shared his story ... born in Dar es Salaam to a diplomat father, he was brought up to be a professional in the world.

Posted 11 years ago | Like (1)
Debbie Hathway
Launching careers 25 years on

Launching careers 25 years on
[Debbie Hathway] What I've learned about choreographic dance platforms is to expect the unexpected, where mastery may be juxtaposed with absurdity, artistry with self-indulgence, technical excellence with raw potential. There will always be pieces; artists and choreographers as unforgettable as there are those that are forgettable and Dance Umbrella's special 25-year anniversary season programme was no exception.

Posted 11 years ago | Like
Eugene Yiga
The strange sound of Voices Made Night

The strange sound of Voices Made Night
[Eugene Yiga] The Magnet Theatre has been creating a unique type of physical theatre for the past 25 years. To celebrate this anniversary, the company is staging Voices Made Night, a production adapted from short stories by Mia Couto, widely regarded as one of Mozambique's leading literary figures and the most prominent writer in Portuguese-speaking Africa.

Posted 11 years ago | Like
Daryl Bartkunsky
A strong case for campus radio

Daryl Bartkunsky[Daryl Bartkunsky] Today, campus radio presents an entirely different picture than ten years ago - modelled on their commercial counterparts, they are professionally run and advertisers can expect effective results.

Posted 11 years ago | Like (2)
Eugene Yiga
The private lives of Noël and Gertie

The private lives of Noël and Gertie
[Eugene Yiga] Noël Coward was a playwright, composer, and director. Gertrude Lawrence was an actress, singer, and dancer. Together, these two icons epitomised an era of elegance and style.

Posted 11 years ago | Like
Terry Levin
[Design Indaba 2013] Design in context (part II)

[Design Indaba 2013] Design in context (part II)
[Terry Levin] Stuck away at the far end of Africa, Design Indaba provides some much-needed perspective on our craft. Nothing replenishes a jaded inspiration better than an annual shot of pure cultural energy from New York's design elite.

Posted 11 years ago | Like (2)
Quentin Joubert
LBS-based mobile advertising set to explode

Quentin Joubert[Quentin Joubert] Marketers around the world are expected to start tapping into the power of location-based services (LBS) over the course of the next year as a means of delivering more targeted and engaging advertising to consumers.

Posted 11 years ago | Like (1)
Chantel Botha
Rules of the new conversation economy

Rules of the new conversation economy
[Chantel Botha] In mass media the conversation has mostly been one-sided, loud, condescending and sometimes even quite dictatorial... of marketers and brands telling consumers what they need and why and what would be a reasonable price to pay to satisfy the need.

Posted 11 years ago | Like (1)
Rod Baker
SABC: Hlaudi weathers the storm...

SABC: Hlaudi weathers the storm...
[Rod Baker] NEWSWATCH: According to The New Age, Hlaudi Motsoeneng, who was acting COO of the SABC, and then wasn't, is now again back in the position... So there's the SABC again, making the news instead of reporting it. And on a quieter note, there's a new editor for Afrikaans Sunday newspaper Rapport, reports IOL.

Posted 11 years ago | Like
Veli Dlamini
Youth marketing needs to be practical not theoretical

Veli Dlamini[Veli Dlamini] When people love a brand's personality, price becomes the last thing they focus on when buying a product. A typical example is Apple, most of its customers buy into the brand's personality first, company second, products/services third and price last.

Posted 11 years ago | Like (3)
Thamsanqa Malinga
I'd rather have Joe Public as brand ambassador

I'd rather have Joe Public as brand ambassador
[Thamsanqa Malinga] I have not been a fan of 'paid' for brand ambassadors or any form of paid for endorsements. Worse if the 'ambassador' contracted is a celebrity of some sort. I am sure that many marketers will frown at my stance when it comes to this form of marketing, considering that it's one of the tried and tested marketing gimmicks.

Posted 11 years ago | Like (1)
Terry Levin
[Design Indaba 2013] Design in context (part I)

[Design Indaba 2013] Design in context (part I)
[Terry Levin] Context could be said to have emerged as an underlying theme of day two of Design Indaba 2013, which took place at the Cape Town International Convention Centre (CTICC).

Posted 11 years ago | Like (2)
Henrie Geyser
Fiesta ... frugal, fast, fancy

Fiesta ... frugal, fast, fancy
[Henrie Geyser] Ford has refreshed and reshuffled its impressive pack of Fiestas, dropping the 1.6 Ambiente and 1.6 Titanium and introducing three new engines with a baby 1.0-litre turning out to be the star of the show.

Posted 11 years ago | Like
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