WRC concludes with 'far-reaching' decisions for sector
WRC-12, convened in Geneva by the ITU, determines the landscape of the wireless industry internationally for years to come. Issues deliberated include the management of fundamental and critical communications resources in spectrum allocation, satellites, broadcasting support, aviation and maritime communications management, radar and remote sensing.
In this session, WRC-12 - unexpectedly - sprang the possibility of more digital dividends for mobile broadband, but at the expense of other commitments in Europe, as well as tricky jamming issues in satellite communications and many other priorities.
IIC publishes first authoritative and comprehensive roundup of WRC-12
However, as extensive as WRC-12 deliberations are, they are complicated to interpret. IIC is now publishing a special Intermedia feature report online - in advance of general Intermedia publication - to respond to a widely-felt need for an authoritative and comprehensive, yet readable, overview. Intermedia's editor in chief, Stephen McClelland, has compiled this special wrap report taking interviews and candid opinion from key players and insiders.
Free access
This full overview is free for you to access - without further formality or registration - as a panel-mounted, interactive flash file from the IIC website homepage. In case you have trouble reading this embedded flash content on your device, it is also available on the ISSUU publishing server here. For each rendering, successive image clicking will enable magnification up to actual size for easy reading. Clickable arrows indicate that pages may be turned. The file is also accessible as a complete download.
IIC appreciates feedback from this project with a view to improving future work of this kind. Stephen McClelland, the editor of the overview, can be contacted on gro.mocii@dnallelccm.s.
The International Institute of Communications, the world's most established non-profit, global membership organization for digital media regulation and policy, and regulatory affairs in communications, is committed to providing information resources and support to the communications and media communities worldwide. To find out more about the IIC, its scope, activities and journal, IIC Intermedia, visit the IIC website.