Man in a box
Shanghai Hotidea Advertising needed to raise Guangyin Yoga's brand awareness overnight and enroll 300 new members with only a small budget.
The solution was simple - place the yoga master inside a box, in the centre of Shanghai's busiest area, the Central Business Centre. The small wooden box was branded with the Guang Yin insignia and every time someone passed by, a hand would reach out with the Guang Yin Yoga business card.
As a result of this 15 day campaign, over 35 000 key consumers were targeted, it garnered 319 163 web video clicks, and more than US$138 000 (about R980 000) of free media coverage. After the campaign, over 2000 people visited the club within a month, and 622 of them became new members. This was 107% more than expected, at a total campaign cost of only US$74 (about R525).