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Monika D'Agostino
Not interested or not qualified?

Not interested or not qualified?
[Monika D'Agostino] The other day I got a connection request from LinkedIn. The person's profile was very scarce, but I accepted the request as I am on a mission to elevate the reputation of sales and its practitioners...

Posted 9 years ago | Like (1)
Leigh Andrews
Take ad-Vaughn-tage of these silly stock photos...

Take ad-Vaughn-tage of these silly stock photos...
[Leigh Andrews] In what's been called a brilliant marketing move, 20th Century Fox has released several 'fake stock photos' from Vince Vaughn's latest comedy caper, Unfinished Business, making media workers around the globe giggle at the thought of using them to illustrate their business-y articles...

Posted 9 years ago | Like (2)
Douglas Kruger
[Death to PowerPoint!] Part 1: Seven reasons you could do better without slides

[Death to PowerPoint!] Part 1: Seven reasons you could do better without slides
[Douglas Kruger] Ever hear the story about the Russians in Bosnia watching their unlikely US allies designing their PP slides? One nonplussed Russian said, "If we ever had a war, while you are working on your PowerPoint, we would be killing you..."

Posted 9 years ago | Like
Henrie Geyser
City slicker and bundu-basher

City slicker and bundu-basher
[Henrie Geyser] Nissan has employed a nifty designer to trim some excess fat as well the many sharp edges off its likeable X-Trail to give it a much softer, more elegant urban warrior look but without sacrificing any of its bush and dirt capabilities...

Posted 9 years ago | Like
Ryan Murphy
Securing your Wordpress website

Securing your Wordpress website
[Ryan Murphy] If you've got a website that's based on Wordpress, you're part of the 76.4 million (according to reports) people who have websites that use the Wordpress content management system (CMS)...

Posted 9 years ago | Like
Leigh Andrews
Put a much-needed spring into your research step...

Put a much-needed spring into your research step...
[Leigh Andrews] Springleap gave it clients access a global network of creative professionals to enhance every aspect of their creative campaigns. Here's how...

Posted 9 years ago | Like (2)
Deirdre Elphick-Moore
Get promoted and make an impact - be extraordinary

Deirdre Elphick-Moore[Deirdre Elphick-Moore] It's great to have a firm idea of your career ambitions and, once you have a clear goal in mind, translate it into an action statement that you can easily remember and recall every day...

Posted 9 years ago | Like
Daniel Dercksen
Cocky passion

Cocky passion
[Daniel Dercksen] World-class theatre at its most captivating and alluring, British playwright Mike Bartlett's Olivier Award-winning play Cock will shake you to the core at the Alexander Upstairs Theatre.

Posted 9 years ago | Like
Chris Brewer
Can you speak your mind and still keep your job?

Chris Brewer[Chris Brewer] It would be remiss of me not to comment on the latest publicity drive of David Bullard (the thing that man will do for his own PR! Getting shot, then being fired - what next?). On the face of it, it seems the question is "is he a racist or not?" but I'm not so sure that really is the question.

Posted 16 years ago | Like
Sufyan Mkwanda
Microsoft has finally listened: Windows 10 is here

Sufyan Mkwanda[Sufyan Mkwanda] If you are like me and adapt to change easily you will love this post. If not, you will have to broaden your horizons and adapt as technology is constantly changing...

Posted 9 years ago | Like
Sufyan Mkwanda
On premises vs the cloud - What to consider before migrating contact centres

[Sufyan Mkwanda] The cloud is currently one of the biggest buzzwords, or some may say 'IT jargon', in the IT space, and is also the topic of many business discussions around the contact centre environment...

Posted 9 years ago | Like
Henrie Geyser
Exports boost new vehicle sales

Exports boost new vehicle sales
[Henrie Geyser] Domestic new vehicle sales of 52,368 in February were only 584 units more than the same month last year but export sales shot up by 35.6% to 29,760 units...

Posted 9 years ago | Like
Danette Breitenbach
Coping under fire

Coping under fire
[Danette Breitenbach] Janine Lazarus, founder and owner of Janine Lazarus media consultancy was a journalist for 31 years, and has worked across the board from newspapers to radio...

Posted 9 years ago | Like
Daniel Dercksen
Wacky and wild Mortdecai

Wacky and wild Mortdecai
[Daniel Dercksen] The totally zany and absolutely fantastic Mortdecai stars Johnny Depp as debonair art dealer and part-time rogue Charlie Mortdecai...

Posted 9 years ago | Like
Lionel Moyal
Mobile apps help government connect with citizens, enhance service delivery

Lionel Moyal[Lionel Moyal] Smart cities are fast becoming a reality across the globe, driven by the interconnectedness of devices that communicate and provide information that leads to intelligent automation, decision and actions...

Posted 9 years ago | Like
Andrew Felbert
Three metrics for social success: Who's doing it right in South Africa

Three metrics for social success: Who's doing it right in South Africa
[Andrew Felbert] If you have them, you are content and they don't really matter, if you don't, it's a major headache. Followers on Facebook definitely don't excite the senses as an interested third party in a post-organic-reach world, but they still have a role to play in measuring social success...

Posted 9 years ago | Like (1)
Brendan Seery
[Orchids & Onions] VW's honesty shows the cliché game is all but up!

[Orchids & Onions] VW's honesty shows the cliché game is all but up!
[Brendan Seery] Years ago, when my day job included carrying a machine gun and jumping out of helicopters, I remember sitting with some mates in the base barrack room, listening to Forces' Favourites on the radio...

Posted 9 years ago | Like
Chris Moerdyk
Why customer service is so bad

Why customer service is so bad
[Chris Moerdyk] One of the main reasons why customer service in South Africa is pretty much atrocious is because staff attend customer service training courses...

Posted 9 years ago | Like
Tiffany Markman
A letter to the Spinning Rainbow Ball of Mac Doom

A letter to the Spinning Rainbow Ball of Mac Doom
[Tiffany Markman] I get it. I do. You're there to teach me life lessons. To circumvent my natural complacency. To provoke pre-emptiveness. So, this letter is to thank you...

Posted 9 years ago | Like
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