Call analytics for advertising available in Finland for the first time
Freespee AB, a company that develops intelligent voice solutions for media companies and advertisers, has launched a new call analytics tool for advertisers in Finland. Partners during the trial phase have been media agency Dagmar and web analytics company Snoobi.
Any advertiser is now able to measure and analyze incoming calls in addition to web statistics and clicks from advertisements. "Freespee Analytics is an efficient multi-channel tool, which enables us to show our customers, how many incoming sales calls they receive from different channels: Print, outdoor, TV and radio - in addition to digital advertising. The tool also makes it easy to compare different ad spots, and even the effectiveness of ad creative variations", explains Dagmar's strategic planner Tero Pajunen.
Real-time statistics
According to Freespee data, on average 35% of the incoming calls to businesses remain unanswered. Snoobi's founder and CTO Pekka Koskinen emphasizes benefits for small and medium sized companies: "In addition to measuring call sources, Freespee Analytics enables companies to get real-time and clear statistics of number and time of calls, and also how many calls were answered on time. This way, managers can reallocate resources, so less of the valuable calls would be missed." Freespee's customers include Fonecta, part of the European Directories group, and Eniro, a Nordic local search engine, which both have got recently more competition in Finland and elsewhere. Koskinen says that companies should not commit to new advertising channels if their analytics processes are not in place: "Using Snoobi and Freespee tools companies can measure directly, how many new sales leads these new channels actually provide."
"So far we have concentrated in large media companies in Northern Europe, but Freespee Analytics is provided through media and advertising agencies first in Finland," states Carl Holmquist, CEO of Freespee. "Call tracking and analytics have become important parts of advertising business in U.S. and U.K. already and rest of the Europe will follow. We have received very positive feedback from our partners and advertisers during the trials in Finland. For most of the advertisers a call from a prospective customer is much more valuable than a click. However, so far that has not been possible to measure, and so much of the advertising spending has been wasted. Digital analytics is coming to all marketing and advertising channels in the near future and that will have a big impact on the industry", Holmquist says.
On average, Freespee customers see that 60% of the incoming calls from advertising leads to sales, compared to only 1-2% of the web traffic. Freespee services are currently available in Sweden, Finland, Norway, Denmark, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Germany and the United Kingdom.