Christie surpasses 26 000 digital cinema projector milestone
Christie's news follows on Texas Instrument Incorporated recent announcement that in the 12-month period between 1 December 2010 and 30 November 2011, the number of DLP Cinema screens worldwide grew to a total of 51 620 for an increase of 84%. As part of TI's announcement, coincident with the Cine Asia 2011 conference in Hong Kong, TI awarded a commemorative plaque to Christie customer, United Circuit Cinemas, Shanghai Film Group.
Contributing to the total were projectors shipped to a score of exhibitors across the globe in November 2011, including units bound for Canada, Costa Rica, China, France, Japan, Mexico, Poland and the United States.
All Christie projectors are designed to meet Digital Cinema Initiatives (DCI) specifications. They feature a new modular architecture for improved serviceability and ease of maintenance, with up to 25% lower cost of operation than competing technologies.
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