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CSI & Sustainability

Weekly top stories
BMW supports bid for renewable energy
[David Furlonger] BMW SA plans to use renewable sources for all its electricity needs within five years, said MD Tim Abbott at the official launch of a biogas project on Friday, 16 October... read

CSI & Sustainability
CoAlliance named official fundraising partner for Qhubeka
On the back of its recent fundraising spinathon for Qhubeka, specialist marketing consultancy CoAlliance has been named an official fundraising partner to the non-profit organisation... read
Manifesto aims to achieve sustainable development
A group of ten banks recently issued the Positive Impact Manifesto which calls for an impact-based approach to banking, offering a bold and innovative vision of the banking sector's central role in achieving sustainable development... read
Business Partners launches R300m Green Fund
Business Partners has launched a R300m Green Fund which has a specific focus of financing and supporting sustainable businesses and projects which seek to positively impact on the environment and, simultaneously create wealth and jobs... read
Environment & Natural Resources
Do you want trees with that? How to stop consumer products destroying the rainforests

Nick Rowley

If we are to succeed in tackling climate change, it is vital that we preserve the terrestrial carbon locked up in our forests and soils... read
SA being plundered for 'perfect species'
South Africa is the global centre of the illegal multibillion-rand trade in rare and endangered wildlife. Equipped with light aircraft, boats and specially adapted overland vehicles... read
Comments on Biodiversity Economy Strategy open
Minister of Environmental Affairs, Edna Molewa, has published the draft Biodiversity Economy Strategy for public comment in the Government Gazette... read
Food Security
Drought crisis deepens

Penwell Dlamini

Paula Barnard, director of World Vision, said many parts of KwaZulu-Natal were "a disaster zone" as people did not have food. More than 500,000 people in KwaZulu-Natal are facing hunger... read
Bayer: Africa must become a farming state to feed a growing population
Africa's population continues to grow and is increasingly facing issues of food insecurity... read
Health & Welfare
Klûk CGDT and The Sunflower Fund put a spell on you
Just in time for the party season, Klûk CGDT, in collaboration with The Sunflower Fund, are inviting you to a gala celebration and dinner auction on 14 November. On show will be designers Malcolm Kluk and Christaan Gabriël du Toit's latest collection, fittingly called Enchanted Evening... read
Sub-Saharan Africa remains in grip of extreme poverty
More than one-third (about two billion) of the population in low and middle-income countries are poor with nearly 800 million people globally still suffering from chronic hunger... read
Infrastructure and Technology
Government's current housing scheme is untenable
According to the Institute of Race Relations (IRR), the state has provided more than 2.5 million houses and a further 1.2 million serviced sites in the past 21 years... read
SA needs and deserves an energy revolution

Chris Wild

The African Climate Reality Project says it's time for South Africa to look up and not down for its energy solutions... read
'Green' residential properties have a competitive advantage
There is a swelling tide of interest among consumers in energy conservation... read
The art of establishing a good business relationship

Lisa Illingworth

A key predictor in the success of an entrepreneur is his ability to develop and leverage relationships in the early stages of setting up his business... read
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Lillian Dube's 70th Birthday Celebration
Celebrities for Good Causes Foundation - 22 Oct 2015, Johannesburg

Pink Day High Tea
Grape Events - 24 Oct 2015, Melkbos, Cape Town

Ralph W. Sockman
"The larger the island of knowledge, the longer the shoreline of wonder."

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PRAESA team celebrates success
Green Monday launches in South Africa
Vodacom and Engineering Week collaboration

Refugees are actually the least likely potential terrorists https://t.co/2MrPRn988S https://t.co/hcdngEE5Il - Tue Oct 20
Over 20% of girls in dev countries get pregnant before 18. How will the #globalgoals address this? https://t.co/qjEoosaltc via @girleffect - Tue Oct 20
10 Reasons To Plant A Tree Today: https://t.co/BPBisAZE0t - Tue Oct 20
Meet the Black Mambas, the new weapon against poachers https://t.co/VtgJWOND2q https://t.co/NjLF3L5Pqk - Tue Oct 20
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