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Marion Scher
The plain language movement

Marion Scher[Marion Scher] New movements seem to be in the air and I'm thinking of starting one myself - but this one has nothing to do with politics and everything to do with language.

Posted 15 years ago | Like
Ruth Cooper
Rocking the flower power at RTD 2008

Rocking the flower power at RTD 2008
[Ruth Cooper] What Daisies? There were only a few of those tiny tiny ones. Despite the lack of daisies being rocked pretty much everything and everyone else was. An impressive over 10 000 people attended causing a massive pile up outside the Cloof Wine Estate on Friday, those stuck in the apparently 17 km long queue (myself being one of them) could catch tantalising strains of the bands as we inched along cursing the cars that sneaked through (hmm so you say you're with the band, yeah right). What else to do but start the drinking and try to avoid falling into ditches while taking a bathroom break on the side of the road.

Posted 15 years ago | Like
Chris Moerdyk
Benchmarking the real 2010 story

Chris Moerdyk[Chris Moerdyk] One of South Africa's leading sports journalists, Luke Alfred of the Sunday Times, earlier this week produced one of the most insightful articles on the buildup to the 2010 FIFA World Cup.

Posted 15 years ago | Like
Chris Moerdyk
How to profit from tough economic times

Chris Moerdyk[Chris Moerdyk] Fighting for a bigger share of a shrinking market does not mean having to spend more money but rather just being a bit more logical...

Posted 15 years ago | Like
Sindy Peters
Treading lightly while Rocking the Daisies

Treading lightly while Rocking the Daisies
[Sindy Peters] We wisely decided to ditch work early on Friday afternoon, 3 October, 2008 in preparation for the drive to Darling, making sure all our necessary goods and tools were packed and ready for the fun weekend ahead. Darling, a rural wine region in the Western Cape, is round about 45 minutes from Cape Town and if you're into hills and farm animals like I am, you'll have some pretty sites to see on the way there. After driving past the Malmesbury turn-off and not seeing any signs to Darling we did a 360 and got ourselves back on the right track. We (Mr Francis and I) finally made it to the Cloof Wine Estate only to be greeted by a longer than life queue of cars.

Posted 15 years ago | Like
Simone Puterman
Simone Puterman commented on A guide to finding a starting point on the web

Check out social aggregators such as Friendfeed ( and Socialthing ( Feedalizr ( is a South African initiative that aggregrates the aggregators...

In some ways, the Facebook news feed also acts as an aggregator if you add the various social media applications.

There's also a social web browser called Flock which aggregates social media services for you in the browser itself (

Simone Puterman Assistant Editor

Posted 15 years ago | Like
Tiffany Markman
The final countdown - becoming a killer freelancer

The final countdown - becoming a killer freelancer
[Tiffany Markman] Okay, okay - it's finally here... Part III in my series on ‘How to become a killer freelancer'. This is the scary bit: the business planning gargoyle that looms over your head; the tax gremlins that keep you awake at night; the BEE hobbits at the bottom of the garden; the time-keeping jungle. So allow me to turn on some lights for you, and let's banish the beasties.

Posted 15 years ago | Like
Literacy project to help 'write' a few wrongs

Literacy project to help 'write' a few wrongs
[ActivRetail] With 8.5 million South African citizens who are unable to read or write, Papermate is joining hands with 1 in 1 out, a charitable organisation committed to reaching out to the poorest of the poor, with the aim to improve South Africa's literacy rate through the established PaperMate Literacy Project.

Posted 15 years ago | Like
Thabani Khumalo
Zakumi, the 2010 world cup event ‘ambassador'

Zakumi, the 2010 world cup event ‘ambassador'
[Thabani Khumalo] Although mascots and cartoons have featured prominently in the marketing industry for more than a decade, the irony is that, a phrase or term to describe them has never taken root in the marketing lexicon. I prefer to call it mascot or cartoon marketing.

Posted 15 years ago | Like
Aspiring filmmakers hatch from incubator

Aspiring filmmakers hatch from incubator
[Tshepiso Seopa] MultiChoice recently honoured 16 aspirant film makers who completed the MultiChoice film talent incubator programme. Participants in the incubator programme spent 24 weeks learning skills required in the film and television industry as well as entrepreneurial skills.

Posted 15 years ago | Like
New time-saver TubeSet for bakers

New time-saver TubeSet for bakers
[ActivRetail] When it launches this summer, the new Pillsbury Savoury TubeSet batter delivery system from General Mills aims to combine the taste of ‘from-scratch' baking with flexibility and record time, making it the ideal prepared ingredient carrier for savoury flans, loaves, muffins and slabs.

Posted 15 years ago | Like
Greening SA: new title hits shelves

Greening SA: new title hits shelves
[Tshepiso Seopa] A new multi-niche bi-monthly title will hit the shelves soon: Simply Green is an independently owned print publication aimed at giving consumers and businesses practical steps to a cleaner, greener lifestyle.

Posted 15 years ago | Like
Issa Sikiti da Silva
Dead bodies in media: gruesome or your right?

Issa Sikiti da Silva[Issa Sikiti da Silva] In a problematic society such as South Africa, where the media have their hands full in reporting on violent crime, it is not surprising to see gruesome visuals of dead bodies in media, to the dismay of sensitive viewers and readers. While editors argue that their audiences have the right to see and to be ‘fully informed', the Media Monitoring Project (MMP) this week says ethical considerations should guide the use of visuals of dead bodies in media.

Posted 15 years ago | Like
Sindy Peters
Richest model search kicks off

Richest model search kicks off
[Sindy Peters] Tonight, 1 October, saw the first episode of the richest model show ever held being aired on SABC3. Model Millions, featuring the beautiful sisters, Kerry and Tracy McGregor as hosts, launched with 30 women lining up and waiting to be judged. There was no betrayal or behind the scenes cat-fights just yet but once the chosen 15 get housed together, we're bound to see some action.

Posted 15 years ago | Like
Issa Sikiti da Silva
MARKETING & MEDIA celebrates 10 years of ‘free' TV

Issa Sikiti da Silva[Issa Sikiti da Silva] Once upon a time in South Africa, there was a relatively unknown private TV station called that came from nowhere and began broadcasting on 1 October 1998. But today, a decade later, that channel has become a well-established brand and a key player in the broadcasting industry - fearless of any challenge and competition. “Everyone at is proud of becoming SA's most watched English medium channel over the past 10 years and the mood is buoyant,” Bronwyn Keene-Young, COO tells

Posted 15 years ago | Like
Performers promote paraffin and road safety

Performers at Strand in Cape Town.
Performers at Strand in Cape Town.
[ActivRetail] ComutaNet, South African commuter advertising company recently joined forces with petroleum giant Engen to promote road and paraffin safety amongst commuters residing in South Africa's informal settlements.

Posted 15 years ago | Like
Chris Moerdyk
Ten years and going strong - can celebrate

Chris Moerdyk[Chris Moerdyk] When was born a decade ago not many people in the media industry gave this new kid on the block much hope of ever making a profit or frankly even surviving.

Posted 15 years ago | Like
Louise Burgers
A guide to finding a starting point on the web

Louise Burgers[Louise Burgers] Probably less than 1% of South Africans online are using the web to its full maximum capability, either for their products and services or for their own personal brands. We are told by the so-called tech-sperts where we need to be online, but how does the ordinary person start? Here's a step-by-step guide.

Posted 15 years ago | Like
How ethical is eco fashion?

[Renato Palmi] How the colours of fashion have changed. Red was once identified as being in fashion. The colour black arrived as a fashion statement of elegant vogue through the medium of the 1920s "little black dress" designed by Chanel. Now we have green - eco-friendly green. However, how green is green, how ethical is the PR spin around ethical fashion?

Posted 16 years ago | Like
Bubbling rosé wins Cap Classique Challenge

Bubbling rosé wins Cap Classique Challenge
[ActivRetail] The House of JC Le Roux has become the first producer to win the prestigious Wine Magazine Amorim Cap Classique Challenge with a rosé - JC Le Roux Pinot Noir Rosé 2006.

Posted 16 years ago | Like
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