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BizWeekly top stories
SA rhinos champ wins Tusk Award
SA rhinos champ wins Tusk Award
Cathy Dreyer, a local champion for black rhino, was awarded the Tusk Award for Conservation in Africa... read
BizTrends 2016
What's trending in BizTrends2017?
What's trending in BizTrends2017?

Issued by Bizcommunity.com

Not only are Bizcommunity's BizTrends reports a respected resource for local and global audiences on par with leading research organisations, but they also enjoy above-average engagement... read

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CSI & Sustainability
WTO seeks trade deal on 'green' products
WTO seeks trade deal on 'green' products
The heavyweights of world trade, including the United States, China and Japan, meet in Geneva this weekend to establish a list of environmentally friendly products for which tariffs can be eliminated or reduced... read
Think the world's in a mess? Here are four things you can do about it
Think the world's in a mess? Here are four things you can do about it

Alexandre Christoyannopoulos

Brexit. Trump. Climate change. The financial system. The arms trade. Hardliners. You name it, it's causing anxiety. The state of the world upsets you, but what can you, a poor little meaningless individual lost in a powerful and complex system, do to change anything? How can you make any difference? read
Circular Economy
John Lennon-style Wire Glasses
Wire Glasses: Sustainable eyewear made in London and Harare

Katie de Klee

These John Lennon-style Wire Glasses are made from a single wire in Harare, Zimbabwe on frames that are 3d printed in London... read
Climate Change
Megatrends pose defence, security challenges - PwC report
Megatrends pose defence, security challenges - PwC report
The five megatrends that are widely believed to be shaping the future of our world are... read
Green lightbulbs set to spark at innovation awards
Green lightbulbs set to spark at innovation awards

Issued by Change Agent Collective

The built environment is the biggest contributor to climate change, but thanks to exciting developments in how we re-imagine the future, African cities of the future could become resilient, energy independent, carbon neutral systems... read
Scientists get innovative in the fight against glacier melt
Scientists get innovative in the fight against glacier melt

Lindsay Samson

Halting the effects of global warming with artificial ice and massive blankets... read
What will the world actually look like at 1.5°C of warming?
What will the world actually look like at 1.5°C of warming?

Richard Betts

The high ambition of the Paris Agreement, to limit global warming to "well below 2°C", was driven by concern over long-term sea level rise... read
Education & Training
Young entrepreneurs shine at the 2016 Inkunz'isematholeni Youth in Business Awards
Young entrepreneurs shine at the 2016 Inkunz'isematholeni Youth in Business Awards

Issued by Ithala Development Finance Corporation

Ithala Development Finance Corporation's 2016 Inkunz'isematholeni Youth in Business competition recently drew to a close after the evaluation of all business concepts that were submitted... read
TFG makes it easy for customers to donate online!
TFG makes it easy for customers to donate online!

Issued by TFG (The Foschini Group)

The Foschini Group has launched a donation option for customers to contribute towards educational CSI projects on any of its online stores: @home, Duesouth, Duesouth Escapes, Fabiani, Foschini For Beauty, hi, Markham, Relay, sportscene and Totalsports... read
Paradise lost: Navigating in search of a national moral compass
Paradise lost: Navigating in search of a national moral compass

Ahmed Shaikh, Issued by Regent Business School

It is imperative as a nation to realise that civic and values-based education is essential to sustain our country's future... read
Environment & Natural Resources
Beehive fences ward of crop-raiding elephants
Beehive fences ward of crop-raiding elephants
For subsistence farmers, an elephant raid can be devastating. Elephants can consume up to 400kg of food a day... read
UN awards Champions of the Earth
UN awards Champions of the Earth
The United Nations recently handed out its highest environmental accolade the Champions of the Earth award during a global conference on biological diversity in Cancún, Mexico... read
Image source:
Seed bombs dropped in war on deforestation
Pilots participating in the Vintage Air Rally are making their way to South Africa as they prepare to fly over Tanzania's national parks this week... read
How justice can be brought to South Africa's rooibos industry
How justice can be brought to South Africa's rooibos industry

Rachel Wynberg

There are political, environmental and social controversies associated with that most delectable of South African beverages: rooibos tea... read
Food, Water & Energy Security
Three keystones in reaching Africa's energy goals
Three keystones in reaching Africa's energy goals

Fola Esan

Overcoming energy poverty is still one of the greatest challenges facing Africa... read
J. Walter Thompson South Africa and Secret Santa fight hunger with a festive season campaign
J. Walter Thompson South Africa and Secret Santa fight hunger with a festive season campaign

Issued by JWT

JWT SA has created an insightful festive season fundraising campaign for its client FoodForward SA, a not-for-profit organisation that seeks to help the more than 14 million people who go hungry in South Africa every day... read
Charging up developing nations with solar energy
Charging up developing nations with solar energy

Emile Uys

Morocco, Singapore and India are investing heavily in the abundant power of the sun... read
Max Edkins, climate change and communications expert at the World Bank's Connect4Climate programme
Time to tell SA's renewable energy story
With South Africa's energy mix currently being decided and debated, experts and leaders in this space believe the time to champion renewable energy is now... read
South Africa's water sector: a case study in state capture
South Africa's water sector: a case study in state capture

Mike Muller

A lot of what is being presented as radical economic transformation initiatives in South Africa is simply state capture by a corrupt elite... read
WHC Leak-Less Valves aims to solve SA's water problems
WHC Leak-Less Valves aims to solve SA's water problems
Designed by Paseka Lesolang, the WHC Leak-Less Valve innovation is a control mechanism that prevents 70% of the water loss in toilets due to toilet leaks, when the toilet is not in use... read
Interest groups call for more time to comment on IEP and IRP
Interest groups call for more time to comment on IEP and IRP
A coalition of interest groups have called upon the minister of energy to provide reasonable opportunity for comment on the IEP and the IRP update... read
Inclusion & Equality
R300m empowerment project aims to uplift agricultural sector
R300m empowerment project aims to uplift agricultural sector
The recently unveiled Ikamva Lethu black economic empowerment project in the citrus-rich Sundays River Valley in the Eastern Cape aims to radically transform how future empowerment deals in the agricultural sector are handled... read
Mobilising South African civil society for just governance
Mobilising South African civil society for just governance

Anis Karodia, Issued by Regent Business School

Civil society, an increasingly important actor in the global development drama, can be promoted to advocate for policy change, transparency and greater accountability in governance... read
Too few female profs
Too few female profs
The dearth of senior women academics is forcing universities to poach from each other, leading to some of them becoming inadequately resourced... read
How to encourage affordable housing in CT's CBD
How to encourage affordable housing in CT's CBD
According to a new paper produced by UCT's Department of Construction Economics and Management, both realistic economic factors and policy changes have a part to play in increasing the viability of affordable housing... read
Infrastructure and Technology
Smart street furniture for a safer city
Smart street furniture for a safer city

Lindsay Samson

Combatting air and noise pollution with Simply Grid... read
We can cut emissions in half by 2040 if we build smarter cities
We can cut emissions in half by 2040 if we build smarter cities

Shobhakar Dhakal

As a planet, we have some serious climate targets to meet in the coming years... read
A smart 'switch' in photosynthesis holds lessons for solar technology
A smart 'switch' in photosynthesis holds lessons for solar technology

Tjaart Krüger and Michal Gwizdala

Photosynthetic organisms like plants are the ultimate natural solar panels... read
By Daniel Ladenhauf, Flickr, CC BY-NC
Our cities need to go on a resource diet

André Stephan et al.

Cities are the epicentres of human activity. They cover less than 2% of the earth's land surface but generate about 70% of GDP... read
Quantity surveyors assist green building revolution
Quantity surveyors assist green building revolution
Climate change is no longer a speculation but a reality in our lives... read
What will the cities of the future look like?
What will the cities of the future look like?

Jamie Matroos

The UN predicts that around 70% of the world's population will live in cities by... read
SA's new energy plan sparks strong emotions. Here's why...
SA's new energy plan sparks strong emotions. Here's why...

Hartmut Winkler

The long-awaited updated South African IRP has been released for comment... read
Pollution & Waste Management
Picture: Supplied
Local supporters set to push the green transport agenda in Cape Town
Swisatec, architect and project managers behind Africa's first green village, Blue Rock Village in the Cape has collaborated with The Green Cab to push the green transport innovation agenda in Cape Town. Swisatec plans to integrate electric vehicle infrastructure as part of its green initiative... read
Falara © -
#Influencerchange: Think like an influencer

Leigh Andrews

"You can't predict anyone's work load for the day, we pad out our budgets to avoid hiccups down the line and deadlines are just crazy." This description, which would fit almost any business today, was part of a fictional scenario set-up in the recent HumanEdge Influencer change workshop and which had attendees nodding their heads in agreement... read
Jobs offered
Deputy Director - Social Impact/Matie Community Services - Cape Town
Stellenbosch University currently seeks to appoint a suitably qualified and experienced deputy director: social impact and Matie community services (Ref. SITP/462/1116). Applications close 19 December 2016. Read more >>

New events to diarise
Water Treatment Plant Operations
NES Consulting - 29 Mar 2017 to 31 Mar 2017, Johannesburg


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