30 Jul 2013


The next day we were at sea...

According to Public Enterprises Deputy Minister, Bulelani Magwanishe, the jobs are there - in the maritime industry. In fact, according to him, there are more than 40,000 of them. The only problem is that there aren't more than 40,000 young people to take those jobs. The call has been made: Youngsters... You're needed in the maritime industry.

"Hello Control..." Security is so tight no cellphones or cameras are allowed into the building, but at least here's a description of what's it's like inside Eskom's national control centre after a group of journalists took "the tour".

Not too long ago, having a heart condition, failed liver, lung cancer et al basically meant tidying up your medical affairs and await the Grim Reaper. Nowadays a great number of people who might otherwise have passed on are enjoying a life... In fact, they're able to participate in their own World Transplant Games.

Fancy a walk on the wild side...for free? SANParks has announced the 2013 SA National Parks Week dates. On these dates, day visitors you can enjoy free access to most of the 21 national parks across the country. Free access to parks does NOT include free access to accommodation facilities and other tourist activities.

Now's your chance to experience what all our overseas visitors have been "Ooing" and "Aahing" about.

Rod Baker, Content Director

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Weekly top stories

Toy story
[Kirsten Dinnes] There was a fascinating article about a patent case in CNBC.com recently. Fascinating because it deals with a number of the issues that inventors face when it comes to protecting their inventions, and subsequently enforcing their rights. Read more >>

Compromise of tax debts
[Graeme Palmer] Compromise is often said to be the best and cheapest lawyer. In certain circumstances the South African Revenue Services (SARS) can enter into a compromise agreement with a taxpayer, where the taxpayer undertakes to pay less than the full amount of a tax debt and SARS undertakes to permanently write off the remaining portion. Read more >>

The winning choice for traditional culture
[Prof Owen Dean] IPLAB has had a very tortuous and controversial journey through the legislative process. It has been roundly condemned as being badly drafted and unworkable by a wide spectrum of people from High Court judges, academics, legal practitioners and other government departments, to business people and the cultural community. Read more >>

Call Recording Compliance: The future has arrived
"This call may be recorded..." This hackneyed phrase will soon be a relic of the past, as existing and new consumer rights, electronic communications and data protection legislation radically transform the business landscape in South Africa. Read more >>

Biz announces GoPro reader comp winner!
[Issued by Bizcommunity.com] Finally, the announcement you've been waiting for - the winner of our GoPro reader competition! Read more >>  visit press office >>

Commercial Law
Land expropriation without compensation not govt policy
[Nthambeleni Gabara] The expropriation of land without compensation is not a policy of government, says Gauteng MEC for Rural Development and Land Reform, Nandi Mayathula-Khoza. Read more >>

Please Call Me battle continues
Telecommunications company Vodacom on Wednesday, 24 July, attempted to discredit the authority of a US patent expert testifying in court in its ongoing battle with one of its former employees over the Please Call Me service. Read more >>

PFA orders IF's trustees to repay funds
Pension fund adjudicator Muvhango Lukhaimane is cracking the whip on anyone who breaks the law. Read more >>

Directors' duties - five things you need to know
[Jody Doyle] There has been a lot of media coverage in the past couple of years devoted to directors' duties under the new Companies Act of 2008, and the fact that directors can potentially be held personally liable if they breach those duties. The effect can be fear and uncertainty - but the basic principles are easy to understand and live by. Read more >>

Criminal Law
Taxation - are ANC members exempt as Malema claims?
The credibility of Julius Malema is not a commodity in which someone would readily invest. Thus one must treat with caution his suggestion that his tax issues are not a problem or his suggestions that while he was a member of the ANC he was not required to pay tax. Read more >>

NPA given leave to appeal Brown's sentence
[Bekezela Phakathi] The Supreme Court of Appeal on Thursday (25 July) granted the National Prosecuting Authority (NPA) leave to appeal against the sentence imposed on former Fidentia boss J Arthur Brown. Read more >>

Labour Law
Concern over increase in trade union applications
[Johan Botes] Late last week the Department of Labour expressed its concern regarding the dramatic increase in South African trade union applications. This expression of concern should be welcomed by the industrial community. Read more >>

Dangers of child labour in the extractive industries and a case for due diligence
[Mariam Diarra] According to the United Nations (UN) International Labour Organisation (ILO), "one million children aged between 5 and 17 are engaged in small-scale mining and quarrying worldwide." Read more >>

Law Practice
The censorship of crudity and the crudity of censorship
[Anton Harber] Let's get some facts straight on the effective banning of the film, Of Good Report*, which was due to open the Durban International Film Festival - 18-28 July. Read more >>

Silk: traditional gowns, a status symbol or a bad thing
[Eugene Bester] During the course of last year a certain practising advocate of the Johannesburg Society of Advocates brought an application in the North Gauteng High Court challenging the president of the republic's authorisation to confer the status of senior counsel (also known as Silks) on practising advocates. Read more >>

Former Chief Justice Langa passes away
PRETORIA: President Jacob Zuma has conveyed his condolences to the family of former Chief Justice of the Constitutional Court, Pius Langa, who passed away at a Johannesburg Hospital on Wednesday, 24 July 2013. Read more >>

SA law societies sign MoUs with Financial Intelligence Centre
South Africa's four statutory provincial law societies have pledged their commitment to combating money laundering and the financing of terrorism. Read more >>

The proper approach to the interpretation of documents
[Marius Potgieter] Natal Joint Municipal Pension Fund v Endumeni Municipality 2012 (4) SA 593 (SCA) is one of the most important recent judgements regarding the interpretation of documents. Read more >>


Zuma still looking into SIU appointment
The Presidency says it has noted media reports regarding the appointment of the head of the Special Investigating Unit (SIU). Read more >>

Churches urged to help offenders
Correctional Services Minister Sibusiso Ndebele has called on religious leaders to play a more active role in healing victims of crime and rehabilitating offenders. Read more >>

Prison no place for babies, says department
Prison is not a place to raise children, but hundreds of South African women are languishing in foreign jails for drug trafficking and those arrested while pregnant are forced to give birth in these jails. Read more >>

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BSA elects South African chairperson - more info

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