Advertising News South Africa

Development initiatives in the Advertising industry

The AAA says that the proportion of blacks working in the industry was 23% in 1998 and 30% last year. At senior level the figure is 17% in 1999 and 21% last year. Business Day discusses attempts to address this representivity at TBWA Hunt Lascaris, FCB's Iziko programme and CDF's Abakhethwa programme.

"Research, and consumer experiences, show that you don't have to be black to work on a brand or service that goes into the black market.", but it certainly helps.

The best known example of a mostly white team creating a striking advertisment is Network BBDO's "What Makes You Black" advertisement for Radio Metro.

FCB human resources director Matthew Grossett is quoted "We need black intellectual capital within our company. It's a strategic decision. Black South Africans hold more than 50% of the purchasing power in this country. We believe the programmes we have in place are good for our clients.".

Read the very relevant article now on Business Day.

Source: Business Day

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