Advertising News South Africa

Lobedu Leo Burnett wins Samsung

Lobedu Leo Burnett has recently acquired the blue chip Samsung Electronics South Africa account, which was originally held with JWT. The electronics giant spends an estimated US$400 million annually on worldwide advertising.
Lobedu Leo Burnett wins Samsung

Lobedu Leo Burnett says to expect original, international quality campaigns, such as the recent ambient campaign for the Samsung D820, the slimmest slide-up cellphone which featured "Caution" signs outside cellular stores warning "Sliding surfaces ahead", as well as ultra-thin hotel key cards and parking garage tokens advertising the phone and its features.

"In addition, we will continue to be proactive and tactical", says Vanessa Pearson, executive creative director. "When the opportunities arise, as with the tactical X820 'Cellular. Not cellulite.' billboard which ran along the William Nicol and parked underneath a competitor's message, to the delight of passersby".

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