29 Sep 2015Contact usSubmit newsAdvertise on bizList your companyHome
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Medical South Africa

Weekly top stories
Take it easy this World Heart Day
On World Heart Day South Africans need to slow down and breathe deeply, as they face their pet peeves every day. According to a survey conducted by heart and stroke treatment provider... read

UN adopts 17 Global Goals
The 193 UN member states have adopted the 2030 Sustainable Development Agenda and 17 Global Goals, designed to put the world on a pathway to sustainability... read
The banal evil of drug pricing

Nathan Geffen

Martin Shkreli was the most hated man on the internet for a brief time this week. His company, Turing Pharmaceuticals, pushed up the price of a medicine... read
Public Health
National plan needed to address critical doctor shortages
Speakers at the Hospital Association of South Africa (HASA) annual conference indicated that unless South Africa's critical shortage of doctors is addressed... read
New development goals on health need more work to be realistic

Erica Penfold

The next chapter of the global development agenda - the sustainable development goals - will shift the global focus and debate around health systems... read
Maternal and Newborn Health Innovations Project launches in Kenya
In an effort to reduce the number of deaths of pregnant women and their newborn babies, UNICEF and The Philips Foundation, together with Concern Worldwide, Maker and Gearbox, have launched... read
More Africa
Technocalamity and Africa

Naseem Javed

"...When the tsunami of free technologies makes organisations look increasingly outdated, the same tsunamis can quadruple exports, innovative excellence and catapult into image supremacy... this makes technocalamity a new global age phenomena..." - Mentorian. read
Jobs offered
Theatre Manager - Bloemfontein
Position of theatre manager, based at Life Rosepark Hospital. Successful candidate will be responsible for management and coordination of theatre complex in-line with clinical protocols, company and hospital strategic objectives. Read more >>

"There is no great genius without some touch of madness."

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Medical care for Miners. Get the full story in today's copy of @The_New_Age NC Edition on sale for R3.50 http://t.co/gZ98ZwJGEX - Tue Sep 29
A new study shows sugary drinks are even MORE unhealthy than we realized: http://t.co/Swa9WyR3Wi http://t.co/M36azvZDhO - Tue Sep 29
Drug for early breast cancer licensed http://t.co/DmKAPXeVVG - Tue Sep 29
This woman is revolutionizing modern medicine http://t.co/7vfFd2zyGz http://t.co/bqhPSO5QSf - Tue Sep 29
RT @EconUS: Donald Trump talks of vaccines triggering an "epidemic" of autism. He is wrong again http://t.co/mkv9C3dqPu http://t.co/fKg8GGJ... - Tue Sep 29
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