10 Jul 2012



All the world's a stage

And all the men and women merely players, or so the Shakespearean saying goes. Some of our top "players" are cast as audience members this week; hence the theatre heavy newsletter. Duan Wanty, our intrepid Jozi contributor, heads down south to the Grahamstown National Arts Festival [GNAF] and reports back on the best of the fest. Productions Red, Vortex and Blue Iris all get top marks from him. Back in the fair Cape, Jordan Scott reviews the family fun production, Disney on Ice and Eugene Yiga explores the differences between men and women in the popular play, Defending the Cavemen.

Daniel Dercksen is blown away by Broadway turned big screen musical extravaganza Rock of Ages. Johann Smith is pleasantly appreciative of new Durban band Asleep in Transit's eponymous EP and I chat to talented VJ artist The Grrrl.

In other news Brian Berkman interviews Jonathan Duiker, an executive sous chef who left Joburg city life to work in the Maldives, and motoring editor Henrie Geyser reviews the classy Japanese-made Infiniti FX35.

New freebies up for grabs this week include two tickets to The Arrows at Zula Bar and the Hop n Vine Festival in Groot Constantia.

Curtain Closes.

Ruth Cooper, production manager (@biz_lounge)

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Food & Wine

Have chef will travel
[Brian Berkman: contributing editor, travel] Brian Berkman recently had a Q&A with Jonathan Duiker, executive sous chef at Anantara Dhigu, Anantara Veli and Naladhu Maldives in the Maldives' South Male Atoll, to find out - among other things - what prompted Jonathan to make the move from Melrose Arch to The Maldives. Read more >>


Infiniti fit to rumble the Germans
[Henrie Geyser: motoring editor] Its called Infiniti and it's one of the most powerful weapons yet to go in action in the local premium car war between Germany and The Rest - and this time round Japan is more than just a yapping ankle-biter... The Infiniti is one of the classiest brands the Land of the Rising Sun has come up with in its efforts to gain some of the high ground dominated locally by Audi, BMW and Mercedes-Benz. Read more >>


&Beyond rated among world's top safari operators
&Beyond has been listed as the world's 5th Top Safari Operator in the US Travel + Leisure 2012 World's Best Awards readers' survey. As one of Africa and South Asia's leading experiential travel companies, &Beyond's mission is to design luxury safaris and personalised travel adventures whilst remaining committed to its core ethic of "Care of the Land. Care of the Wildlife. Care of the People." Read more >>


New Sean Slemon exhibition in Joburg
A new exhibition of the recent and developing body of work by Sean Slemon is being held at Arts on Main, Maboneng Precinct, Joburg, from 8 to 18 July, 2012, between 1pm and 5pm. Read more >>


Rock 'n' roll romance
[Daniel Dercksen] Films like Rock Of Ages not only catch you by surprise (and never let go), but also totally bowl you over with their robust power, breathtaking spectacle and sensational music. Read more >>


Gangs of Ballet and The Rescu to open for Switchfoot
The Grammy Award-winning band Switchfoot will be performing a debut tour of SA when they play at Carnival City's Big Top Arena on 8 August and GrandWest, Grand Arena on 11 August, 2012. Gangs of Ballet will be the support act in Joburg and The Rescu in Cape Town. Read more >>

Creative directions and evolutions with The Grrrl
[Ruth Cooper] Inka Kendzia, best known for her VJ-ing skills; behind the decks and in front of the audio-influenced video montage amazingness that she creates under the moniker The Grrrl, tells us how it all began, the concept behind recent video for Mr Sakitumi (her husband and musical soulmate) and how "ideas can lead to cultural evolution". Read more >>

Bona fide indie pop
[Johann M. Smith] Any band can be judged by its genre, but it doesn't always reflect its ideas. Duo, male-and-female-fronted Asleep In Transit's debut eponymous EP is bona fide indie pop from Durban, which stands proudly alongside the likes of Holiday Murray, Thomas Krane, et al. But, unlike bands of that ilk, they appear to spend less time wondering what would make them sound cupcake hipster and more pondering life and lyrics. Read more >>


Disney on Ice presents Worlds Of Fantasy
[Jordan Scott] We all had our favourite Disney characters when we were younger and, even now, when a child is watching it on television we can't help but stop and reminisce for a few minutes. Well Disney on Ice and the CTICC have brought these characters to life. I know it's meant for children, but there's definitely something in it for the adults as well. There's something magical about the nostalgia that it summons in us. Read more >>

Laughs from the past in Defending The Caveman
[Eugene Yiga] Have you ever wondered why men don't ask for directions? What about why women need so much cupboard space? Many of us have, which probably explains why Defending The Caveman has been such a phenomenal success. From its start in San Francisco over 20 years ago, this "date comedy" has now been seen by over 8 million people in 45 countries around the world (and still holds the record for the longest running solo play in Broadway history). Fortunately for those who missed it before, it's back for another South African season so more of us can see it too. Read more >>

[GNAF] Blue Iris
[Duan Wanty] We celebrate Athol's 80th birthday this year and, to add to the celebration, he has blessed us with a new piece of work that stays true to his legacy. It is exciting to see him adding work to his already reputable canon. Read more >>

[GNAF] Red sells out at Grahamstown
[Duan Wanty] A theatre piece with outstanding theatre legend Michael Richard is as good as they get; you expect a thrilling performance. This year, with the premier of the 2010 Tony Award-winning play Red, you get just that and a little bit more. Read more >>

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Ross Douglas
Director at Artlogic
Charmaine Haig
Founder, C.E.O, Managing Director at Indigo Child PTY Ltd
Rudi Stroebel
Managing Director at Rudimentary Productions
Clement Lottering
Project Manager at Nuru Intelligent Buildings


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