17 Jan 2012



Have a vortal... Ah, thanks, don't mind if I do!

Well, I asked for feedback, and got it - one respondent made me despondent (not really) and pointed out that I mentioned both portals and verticals in my editor's letter last week, and it could be confusing for anyone who might not know the difference between the two.

Hence, very briefly, I am going to chat about portals and verticals (or vortals).

Simply put, TechTarget and other sources define a portal as a horizontal website that aims to function as an access point for a range of firms and organisations etc. in the same industry. Bizcommunity.com Retail, for instance, aims to bring you news and information on a range of retail sector issues - from retail-related associations, to brand news, green issues, retail trends, and so on. Hence, a portal aims to be a one-stop-shop for an industry sector; think of it as a news and information department store.

A vertical - also known as a vortal - brings you news and information specific to the industry or interest area that the vertical, or vortal, is covering - legal, insurance, logistics, the environment, and so on. Naturally, there are times when something in one sector impacts on others, so there is some cross-posting, but in the main, a vertical/vortal aims to be far more specific in its coverage. So you can think of a vortal as your local jeweller - diamonds and rubies are in, detergents and rissoles are out.

So now you know the difference, as you're a mortal, between a portal and a vortal.

Rod Baker, general manager: content

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