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Property & Real Estate

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Property value affects rates and taxes
Property value affects rates and taxes
[Adrian Goslett] Each month homeowners receive a bill for the rates and taxes applicable to their property... read
#Budget2017: Good news for buyers, not necessarily home owners
#Budget2017: Good news for buyers, not necessarily home owners

Bruce Swain

Minister Pravin Gordhan had a difficult budget speech to deliver on 22 February as the economy struggles through its largest under performance since the 2009 recession, with the added challenge of a R30.4bn tax shortfall... read
#Budget2017 brings some relief for first-time home buyers
#Budget2017 brings some relief for first-time home buyers

Dr Andrew Golding

The raising of the threshold for transfer duty on properties sold for less than R900,000, up from R750,000, as announced in the National Budget, is positive news as it provides some relief for first-time home buyers... read

Design Month
#DesignMonth: Creative collaboration central to Blok's Konnect
#DesignMonth: Creative collaboration central to Blok's Konnect

Sindy Peters

Besides the nine properties Blok has launched since its inception in 2014, the urban property developer has also worked on various urban and design intervention projects... read
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Commercial Property
Canal Walk
Hyprop to boost distributions
Hyprop Investments, the owner of blue chip malls such as Johannesburg's Rosebank Mall, Hyde Park Corner and Canal Walk in Cape Town, will report a double-digit increase in its distributions to shareholders when it releases its financial results in March... read
Ornico revives Natal Bank Building in CBD for new head office
Ornico revives Natal Bank Building in CBD for new head office
Ornico, a brand and media intelligence company, will move into and operate from the newly restored historic site of the Natal Bank Building, which is situated at 90 Albertina Sisulu Street in Johannesburg... read
#Budget2017: Commerical property sector to experience tough times ahead
#Budget2017: Commerical property sector to experience tough times ahead
According to Broll Property Group, the low economic growth prospects will continue to drive cautiousness in the commercial property sector... read
Capco is aiming at consistent returns
Capco is aiming at consistent returns

Alistair Anderson

Capital & Counties (Capco) is well-positioned to provide consistent returns for shareholders over the next three years, regardless of uncertainty about Brexit, says its management... read
Rates Watch reappointed to monitor rates policies
Rates Watch reappointed to monitor rates policies
The South African Property Owners Association (SAPOA) has reappointed specialist consultants Rates Watch on a five-year contract to monitor rates policies... read

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Market & Investments
#Budget2017: The good, the bad and the budget
#Budget2017: The good, the bad and the budget

David de Waal

All eyes were on Finance Minister Pravin Gordhan yesterday evening as he delivered his budget speech... read
SA investors rising to green building challenge as globe heats up
SA investors rising to green building challenge as globe heats up
Progressively, more South African property investors are rising to the challenge of mitigating climate change... read

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Property Management
Victory for property owners receiving exorbitant and delayed utility bills
Victory for property owners receiving exorbitant and delayed utility bills

Nicholas Gangiah and Fatima Gattoo

An important judgment was handed down in the Gauteng High Court last week, granting relief to property owners who have received exorbitant utility bills after a number of years... read

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Why a two-month rental deposit makes sense for landlords
Why a two-month rental deposit makes sense for landlords

Issued by Private Property

For tenants, a two-month rental deposit may seem steep, but for many landlords it just makes business sense... read
What does #Budget2017 mean for property?
What does #Budget2017 mean for property?

Richard Gray

The 2017 Budget will add to the financial difficulties facing South African households. Tough times lie ahead, but they may prove to be a necessary step in addressing our fiscal difficulties... read
Tough times for real estate – but does the future look brighter?
Tough times for real estate – but does the future look brighter?

Richard Gray

Recent data on South Africa's residential mortgage market paints a bleak picture of the housing market. But beneath the concern, there are indications that a turnaround may be in sight... read
New homes to outperform pre-owned market in 2017
New homes to outperform pre-owned market in 2017
Newly built homes currently cost 31.2% more, on average, than their pre-owned equivalents, according to the most recent Absa Housing Review... read
Five mistakes sellers make
Five mistakes sellers make
After more than twenty five years in the industry, Bruce Swain, MD of Leapfrog Property Group, has noticed that sellers are prone to making one or more of five mistakes... read
Stassen with 'Blades' - part of the Hero Exhibition that takes place at Open Design.
#DesignMonth: The importance of design education with Suné Stassen

Leigh Andrews

Suné Stassen, festival director for the Open Design Festival, is heavily involved in the country's design education movement. Here, she shares how your business can pick up the baton to take the movement forward... read
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Principles and Practices of Facilities Management - 7 Mar 2017 to 9 Mar 2017, Cape Town
The training programme provides a comprehensive understanding and effective methodologies to manage office and building service associated with facilities management. Read more >>

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Property prices and rents set to fall further in Abu Dhabi in 2017, latest analysis suggests https://t.co/9XGdH41zCx
What is happening in the housing market? Knight Frank's @oliverknightkf takes a closer look https://t.co/hxQEbQoGlohttps://t.co/sv32cHd6kh
RT @_houseandgarden: From flower-filled cottage gardens to grand landscaped county houses - glorious English Garden Design: https://t.co/3N
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