17 Nov 2015Contact usSubmit newsAdvertise on bizList your companyHome
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Human Resources & Recruitment

Weekly top stories
Reduce the silly season slump at work
As 2015 ends, many employees either are stressed by the rush and pressure to wrap up the year or are in 'holiday mode' both of which can have a negative impact on productivity... read

Make a R100 and encourage entrepreneurship in SA
In the run up to the Global Entrepreneurship Week (GEW) from 16-22 November 2015, The Allan Gray Orbis Foundation is challenging every South African to take up the 'Make a R100 Challenge'... read
Jobs & Recruitment
Tips for choosing a temping agency
The new amendments to the Labour Relations Act give wider protection to staff employed through Temporary Employment Services (TES) providers or labour brokers and have had a major impact on the way local businesses approach staffing... read
Africa's Top Employers for 2016 announced

Issued by Top Employers Institute

Global HR certification organisation, The Top Employers Institute, has announced the list of Top Employers in Africa for 2016... read
Crucial first steps transitioning from student to professional

Issued by Top Employers Institute

In current markets, finding a guide to help figure out those first crucial steps of a graduate's career path will avoid wasting valuable time course-correcting at a later stage... read
Labour Law & Unions
Retailers bemoan cost of grant payouts
Retailers want banks to share the pain of the congestion, costs and risk of crime associated with grant payouts, writes Zeenat Moorad... read
Salary increase for domestic workers, cleaners
Labour Minister Mildred Oliphant on Monday announced that wages in the domestic worker sector will be adjusted upwards from 1 December 2015... read
Legal consequences of social media in the workplace

Rosalind Davey

The use of social media in society is becoming increasingly prevalent and its usage complicates employment relations and, in turn, employment law... read
Create an environment where peak performance flourishes
To create an environment where peak performance flourishes, companies and individuals need to plan steps and measure results... read
Five business lessons to be learned from the Rugby World Cup

Mark Taylor

The Rugby World Cup is a great metaphor for many elements of business, as both are about discipline, teamwork and efficiency. Here are five business lessons... read
Millennials need workplace communication skills
Millennials bring an array of hard skills across multiple fields to the table, such as analytics, computer programming, accounting, finance analysis and similar, but lack soft skills... read
Measuring HR pain or gain? Top Employers research fuels the debate

Issued by Top Employers Institute

The Top Employers Institute has announced the results of the Top Employers South Africa 2016 Certification Programme, which shows that the quest to measure HR investment is a growing trend... read
Variety, flexibility and transparency rule in succession management - study

Issued by Top Employers Institute

Career and succession management no longer simply implies linear movement up the career ladder, a recent study shows. In a much more competitive environment, how are HR managers and business leaders to approach talent management and retention?... read
Skills Development & Training
No matric exemption... What now?

Charlotte Smit

Though a matric with university entrance is one of the primary goals of secondary education, not everyone gets this but there are still opportunities for these matriculants... read
UK companies to remove names from job applicant CVs

Veselina Dzhingarova

UK companies and British governments are implementing a "name-blind recruitment" strategy, which involves removing entry level job seeker names from application forms. This is mainly because of recent research that highlighted that name can affect application success rates... read
More International
Want to know three ways to increase sales immediately?

John Sanei

The old way of selling is well and truly dead, in fact the stereotypical sales (wo)men we all knew back in the 80's and 90's send shivers up and down all our spines... read
Jobs offered
Accounting Manager - Cape Town
NPO requires: accounting manager with five to ten years experience in providing and managing financial and HR systems. Pastel Evolution and Pastel payroll pref. Send CV to recruitmentsn@gmail.com. Read more >>

Upcoming events
How to develop a workplace skills plan
Continuing Education at University of Pretoria - 18 Nov 2015 to 19 Nov 2015, Pretoria

Vuka Afrika VAF - 23 Nov 2015 to 24 Nov 2015, Cape Town

Train the trainer - Course delivery skills
Continuing Education at University of Pretoria - 24 Nov 2015 to 26 Nov 2015, Pretoria

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1,001 Smart Business Ideas In Case You Need Inspiration @billmurphyjr https://t.co/VcRtGaksNG via @Inc - Tue Nov 17
Five character traits every entrepreneur should avoid. https://t.co/ogHibmWzcD - Tue Nov 17
RT @VusiThembekwayo: How do I define business? Business: turning a bold idea into bankable equity. - Tue Nov 17
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