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BizWeekly top stories
Are banks using their loyalty programmes effectively?
Are banks using their loyalty programmes effectively?
South Africa's Big Four retail banks are sitting with more than R2bn in unspent loyalty points... read
New audit standards more transparent
New audit standards more transparent
A Saica report analyses the auditor reports of listed clients, which were early adopters of the revised reporting standards... read

CSI Month
CSI Month
#CSIMonth: Nedbank takes holistic approach to building and supporting effective schools
#CSIMonth: Nedbank takes holistic approach to building and supporting effective schools

Sindy Peters

Nedbank recently launched a new Schools Healthy Lifestyle Programme, offered in partnership with Colgate, Futurelife, the ICRD Group Foundation and KwaZulu-Natal Departments of Education and Health... read
#CSIMonth: It's time to invest in improving the lives of women in Africa
#CSIMonth: It's time to invest in improving the lives of women in Africa

Omega Collocott

Environmental and ‘gender lens' investing are gaining traction in the development finance community... read
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Banks the main recipients of tax-free savings
Banks the main recipients of tax-free savings
Banks held the bulk of cash in tax-free savings accounts - 41% of the R5.2bn in these facilities - as at the end of February... read

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Financial Services
Jacobus Eksteen
Data analytics and the changing face of industries

Jacobus Eksteen

Never before have industries had the power to use information to enhance their products and services as they do today... read
Lending potential in Africa
Lending potential in Africa
There's huge potential for home-grown peer-to-peer (P2P) lending platforms, according to a recently released report on alternative financing vehicles... read
Markets & Investment
Photo: Climate Transparency
State meddling is dissuading energy investors

Bekezela Phakathi

The stand-off between Eskom and the government over renewable PPAs is leading to a loss in confidence amongst international investors... read
Bumper crop drives down volumes of futures contracts traded
Bumper crop drives down volumes of futures contracts traded

Reitumetse Pitso

The number of maize futures contracts traded on the JSE has fallen on expectations of a bumper maize crop. Favourable weather patterns allowed farmers to raise maize production and recover from the severe drought.. read
Finding a renewable storage solution
The cost of storage raises the cost of renewable energy above that of coal-fired power stations... read
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The British economy if the country crashes out of the European Union https://t.co/vbtWnJ45um
Banks face hefty fees from Twin Peaks, reports @hannaziady https://t.co/FwengWlQnJ https://t.co/2hxVxGWssd
SCORPIO: A pension like no other: Truth of Molefe's R30m Eskom ‘golden handshake' exposed By PAULI VAN WYk @PaulivW... https://t.co/uRgEKfbRIw
President Jacob Zuma insists white monopoly capital in South Africa exists. https://t.co/9CVq6adq5C https://t.co/YXaE7PbXAU
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