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Finance & Insurance

BizWeekly top stories
IRBA announces MAFR timeline
IRBA announces MAFR timeline
The participation process around the new requirements for mandatory audit firm rotation will open on October 25... read
Steady rates no surprise
Steady rates no surprise
South Africans have some relief with the Reserve Bank's (SARB) announcing that it will leave its repo rate unchanged at 7% per annum... read
Investing in equality and sustainability
Investing in equality and sustainability
Open engagement is critical for the kinds of solutions required to achieve long-term sustainable economic growth... read
Insurance & Actuarial
Insurance matters: Why you need to review your insurance policy in the last quarter
Insurance matters: Why you need to review your insurance policy in the last quarter

Issued by MiWay

With the festive season quickly approaching, it is important to take into consideration the various elements that come into play during the last quarter of the year - from an increase in car accident statistics to theft... read
US insurer ordered to defend prescription drug lawsuit
US insurer ordered to defend prescription drug lawsuit

Sharon Snell

Lawsuits by US states to hold pharmaceutical companies liable for their costs of dealing with prescription drug abuse is on the rise... read
Is it the end of the (insurance) world as we know it?
Is it the end of the (insurance) world as we know it?

Wayne de Nobrega

Some companies are closing their doors, while others are completely rethinking what they do. And it's not all because of poor economic conditions... read
FNB launches eBucks in Botswana
FNB launches eBucks in Botswana
FirstRand became the the first banking group to launch a secure electronic rewards currency in Botswana, when the FNB eBucks programme went live... read
#InnovationMonth: How RMB is banking on integrated advertising
#InnovationMonth: How RMB is banking on integrated advertising

Pasqua Heard

Rand Merchant Bank (RMB) has created its first TV commercial in nine years: a set of three TVCs that relate the bank's values to the sport of rowing... read
Financial Services
Greater scrutiny of self-serving financial advice articles required
Greater scrutiny of self-serving financial advice articles required

Issued by Financial Intermediaries Association

The FIA has taken exception to the tone and to certain assertions made in a recently published article by Andró Griessel, a financial adviser, titled "Are you financing your broker's overseas trip?"... read
Markets & Investment
When the going gets tough... the tough get a discretionary fund manager
When the going gets tough... the tough get a discretionary fund manager

Alex Funk

Asking clients to pay an extra fee for discretionary fund management is not on. Nothing could be further from the truth... read
Taxation & Regulation
Tyre levy postponed to 2017
Tyre levy postponed to 2017
National Treasury has postponed to 2017 the implementation date of the environmental tyre levy that was meant to come into effect in October 2016... read
Treasury heeds public concern over tax laws
Treasury heeds public concern over tax laws

Linda Ensor

The Treasury has made far-reaching concessions on the draft Taxation Laws Amendment Bill and the draft Tax Administration Laws Amendment Bill after public hearings highlighted the concerns of tax experts and other stakeholders... read
Treasury considers squeezing taxes out of fruit juice
Treasury considers squeezing taxes out of fruit juice

Asha Speckman

The Treasury might include 100% fruit juices in a proposal to tax sugary drinks in South Africa, an official said on Monday, 19 September 2016. read
SARS could lose out on AB InBev bonanza

Ann Crotty

The Anheuser-Busch InBev (AB InBev) takeover of SABMiller may not prove to be as big a bounty for the taxman as initially thought, if South African-based retail investors opt to use Section 42 of the Income Tax Act to delay paying Capital Gains Tax (CGT) on their profits from the £45-a-share offer... read
Tanzania's digital payment projects boost tax revenue and business
Tanzania's digital payment projects boost tax revenue and business
Many developing countries are grappling with how to modernise their economies, improve transparency, drive sustainable growth and advance financial inclusion... read
Venture Capital
The reopened MCEP, a programme to improve competitiveness in manufacturing industries, will now accommodate black industrialists in need of start-up capital.
Start-up funding now available in reopened project

Fifi Peters

The manufacturing competitiveness enhancement programme (MCEP) was partially reopened on Monday, after a year-long suspension, to accommodate black industrialists in need of start-up funding... read
EU probes Polish supermarket tax
EU probes Polish supermarket tax
BRUSSELS - The European Union on Monday opened a probe into Poland's new tax on supermarkets, risking to worsen a row with conservative-led Warsaw... read
More International
#GartnerSYM: Turning digital threat into opportunity
#GartnerSYM: Turning digital threat into opportunity

Lauren Hartzenberg

Digital transformation... not just a business buzzword, but a modern business reality... read
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Fintechs to tackle financial inclusion https://t.co/FToNyy9YHF via @Moneyweb
Zimbabwean companies face increasing problems in making payments and getting their hands on foreign currency https://t.co/gxERwoke6E
CLS dips into blockchain to net new currencies https://t.co/MM8767DSIG
The S&P could be setting up nicely for a slingshot move https://t.co/bjSkEdKqRO https://t.co/8plckEWMqY
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