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Leigh Andrews
Diving over the Digital Edge: Lucia Maseko, John Gevisser & Glenn Gillis

Diving over the Digital Edge: Lucia Maseko, John Gevisser & Glenn Gillis
[Leigh Andrews] This year's Digital Edge speaker line-up is impressive. We spoke to three of this year's speakers, each inspiring in their own way...

Posted 9 years ago | Like (3)
Adam Hunter
The A, B, Zs of our new generation and how to accommodate them in the workplace - Hook, Line & Sinker

The A, B, Zs of our new generation and how to accommodate them in the workplace
[Adam Hunter] Known as 'digitarians', or the superficial extroverts, Generation Z can be seen as one of the most profound changes in business following the emergence of the post-millennial generation...

Posted 9 years ago | Like
Ruth Cooper
Connell Cruise-ing

Connell Cruise-ing
[Ruth Cooper] South Africa-born pop artist Connell Cruise has been making quite a stir across the seas. With the recent release of EP 'Into the Wild' with label Island Records this stir is predicted to get even bigger. We sent him a few questions to find out about life in the Big Apple and new EP.

Posted 9 years ago | Like
Bruce von Maltitz
Social media customer care - a job for marketing or the call centre?

Social media customer care - a job for marketing or the call centre?
[Bruce von Maltitz] While most businesses today are employing some sort of social media strategy, many are still very slow to respond to customer support issues and complaints that come in through this channel...

Posted 9 years ago | Like
Ruth Cooper
Ruth Cooper
Posted 9 years ago | Like
Rob Newlan
Creativity unlocks the power of technology

Rob Newlan[Rob Newlan] Today the bar for creativity is extremely high. It starts with people. Anyone can use the phone in their pocket to shoot and edit high quality video - something that would have been unthinkable even ten years ago...

Posted 9 years ago | Like (1)
Aki Kalliatakis
Hot tips for local shop owners

Hot tips for local shop owners
[Aki Kalliatakis] Most people are too busy making a living to make really big money. That's why dedicated salary earners stay wage slaves and why small-time entrepreneurs stay small-timers...

Posted 9 years ago | Like
Kim Andersen
Unlocking the true value of your organisation's information

geralt via
geralt via
[Kim Andersen] Data volumes are, quite obviously, growing exponentially. But as increasing amounts of information about customers, markets, and products/services...

Posted 9 years ago | Like
Stephen Sandmann
Tips for upgrading a rental car fleet with new cars

Tips for upgrading a rental car fleet with new cars
[Stephen Sandmann] Upgrading an entire rental fleet of cars can be a daunting task, but it needn't be too stressful if you are properly prepared...

Posted 9 years ago | Like
Stephen Sandmann
The Lamborghini Aventador SV Roadster - Unrestrained Exhilaration

The Lamborghini Aventador SV Roadster - Unrestrained Exhilaration
[Stephen Sandmann] The supercar industry has been abuzz after Lamborghini announced their latest monster machine - the Aventador SV Roadster...

Posted 9 years ago | Like
John Gatherer
[I Am Talent]: Managing your performance and learning

[I Am Talent]: Managing your performance and learning
[John Gatherer] Managing your performance is probably the most important aspect of your career development...

Posted 9 years ago | Like
Dale Imerman
[Digital Marketing] Three challenges with digital and how to solve them

[Digital Marketing] Three challenges with digital and how to solve them
[Dale Imerman] "Digital" is an essential requirement for anyone wanting to do business with connected consumers. The problem is that "digital" means a lot of different things to a lot of different people...

Posted 9 years ago | Like (2)
John Gatherer
[I Am Talent]: The World of Me

[I Am Talent]: The World of Me
[John Gatherer] When planning and shaping your future and how you define yourself through what you do, it is important to know as much as possible about yourself...

Posted 9 years ago | Like
Louise Burgers
[Digital Marketing] Digital marketing disruption

[Digital Marketing] Digital marketing disruption
[Louise Burgers] The latest trends in digital marketing are disrupting every industry. And true digital integration should be able to predict the future for your business as big data is analysed through predictive modelling...

Posted 9 years ago | Like
Louise Burgers
[Digital Marketing] The digital transformation imperative

[Digital Marketing] The digital transformation imperative
[Louise Burgers] Digital marketing is about total integration into a business across all levels - from business strategy to marketing strategy and investment in digital intelligence. It is the future of business...

Posted 9 years ago | Like
Riaan Wolmarans
[Digital Marketing] Strategy trumps trends

[Digital Marketing] Strategy trumps trends
[Riaan Wolmarans] Twenty-seven million pieces of digital content shared on the internet in one day. That's one bit of content - a video, an article, a photograph, perhaps an infographic - for every second person in South Africa, every 24 hours...

Posted 9 years ago | Like (1)
Louise Burgers
[Digital Marketing] The next digital generation

[Digital Marketing] The next digital generation
[Louise Burgers] Digital experts are starting to warn of a skills shortage in digital marketing implementation and strategy in South Africa due to the speed with which the local industry has evolved...

Posted 9 years ago | Like (1)
Megan Stark
Marketing relationships are a trust-based affair

Marketing relationships are a trust-based affair
[Megan Stark] Initially marketing companies, or agencies, were service providers incorporating every marketing aspect from corporate invitations and gifts to every facet of design and printing to public relations activities...

Posted 9 years ago | Like (3)
Henrie Geyser
Duster given a dab of ooh-la-la

Duster given a dab of ooh-la-la
[Henrie Geyser] Renault's popular Duster has been given a mid-life cosmetic make-over to enhance its already cute and cheeky looks to further strengthen its grip on the competitive B-SUV segment...

Posted 9 years ago | Like
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