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Cheri-Lee Kriel
Cheri-Lee Kriel
[Lifestyle & Entertainment] 


Posted 13 years ago | Like
Pearl Seigel - MBL -
Pearl Seigel - MBL -
[Education & Training] 

Reference groups are people of groups of people we trust and whose opinions we respect ... who are your reference groups?

Posted 13 years ago | Like
David R. Walker
David R. Walker
[Lifestyle & Entertainment] 

has films to see and review

Posted 13 years ago | Like
Joe Botha
Joe Botha commented on Blocking unwanted spam, verifying users


The US do not contact registry does not require an ID number... it can be done.

TrustFabric is not just an opt-out service and it's a global offering - not SA only.

Read about VRM here:

Posted 13 years ago | Like
Ricky Sewpersadh
Ricky Sewpersadh
[Marketing & Media] 

Mobile is the new Internet!

Posted 13 years ago | Like
Siviwe Siretshe
Siviwe Siretshe
[Marketing & Media] 

I do what I do and let it be what it'll be!

Posted 13 years ago | Like
Donna Mathews
Donna Mathews commented on Mismatched marketing

Awesome article! Thumbs up - it's amazing how much money brands throw at promotions and ideas that are so ill fitted and manage to give still themselves a pat on the back.

People have their heads so far up their behinds it's frighting. How easy to copy paste the free booze and party scenario and think that's so clever. Only every other brand can do (and does) the same.

Where is the insight? Where is the care? Where is the EVOLUTION in advertising and marketing?

I've been out of the country for some years working in Europe, and almost fell over when I got home and saw the EXACT same branding and promotion idea being used for a event in 2011 that I used to promote the same event 8 years ago!

Can't believe brands still pay agencies to produce such rubbish when there are affordable ways of getting much better results.

I also wonder how the 'big agency' model survives without serious change? If I were the Client, I'd rather house my central strategy in-house and then outsource the execution to the people who know what they're doing - segmented, targeted, REAL, effective, efficient. Phew.

How hard can it be to get it right? Clearly very.

Posted 13 years ago | Like
Donna Mathews
Donna Mathews
[Marketing & Media] 

Unless you're doing targeted sponsorship on TV, why blow budgets that way? If your agency is not digital savvy, esp with mobile uptake of web in Africa, then they should go under serious review.

Posted 13 years ago | Like
Amanda Fierro
Amanda Fierro commented on Constant improvement and respect, ingredients for durable success

"Auto Insurance Clearance" will give you a break if you buy two or more types of insurance. You may also get a reduction if you have more than one vehicle insured with the same company.

Posted 13 years ago | Like
Donna Mathews
Donna Mathews
[Marketing & Media] 

Working on some exciting ideas using Go Viral for some clients - loving it! The web is just so cool for delivering content to an engaged target audience at affordable prices.

Posted 13 years ago | Like
Ghana Hattingh
Ghana Hattingh
[Marketing & Media] 

We find some of Nyoka’s recent statements bizarre and inaccurate. In comments made by him on the 14 June,

Posted 13 years ago | Like
Ghana Hattingh
Ghana Hattingh
[Marketing & Media] 

when ex Chief Justice Pius Langa was appointed to head an inquiry into the affairs of Gauteng Cricket.

Posted 13 years ago | Like
Ghana Hattingh
Ghana Hattingh
[Marketing & Media] 

led to intervention when Kabo Mamba and Brian Currin were appointed to mediate in the spat between CSA and the then GCB, and later by CSA

Posted 13 years ago | Like
Ghana Hattingh
Ghana Hattingh
[Marketing & Media] 

and weighted heavily against black clubs, and recommended that this be urgently redrafted. This eventually

Posted 13 years ago | Like
Ghana Hattingh
Ghana Hattingh
[Marketing & Media] 

as well as the Minister and CSA. They also raised the important issue of the GCB constitution being lopsided

Posted 13 years ago | Like
Ghana Hattingh
Ghana Hattingh
[Marketing & Media] 

regarding lack of transformation, the stifling of black cricket clubs, and the lack of opportunities for talented young cricketers within the GCB to the attention of the public

Posted 13 years ago | Like
Ghana Hattingh
Ghana Hattingh
[Marketing & Media] 

GCB in 2009 with the Minister of Sport, the MEC for Sport in Gauteng and CSA’s transformation committee by sending them a memorandum signed by the clubs. The memorandum brought issues

Posted 13 years ago | Like
Ghana Hattingh
Ghana Hattingh
[Marketing & Media] 

lubs such as Soweto CC, Delfos CC, Eldorado Park Ottermans CC, Leanasia CC and Dodsonville CC, among others, were the group that first raised the issue of a lack of transformation within the

Posted 13 years ago | Like
Ruth Cooper
Measuring and Falling Intrumentation

Measuring and Falling Intrumentation
[Ruth Cooper] "Measured in Falls", the much anticipated second album from Cape Town's dark indie boys is exactly what one would expect from Ashtray Electric: mature, dark, and sombre lyrics sung in Andre's distinctly deep and enunciated voice, combined with large-scale sweepingly accomplished instrumentation and a rather self-restrained album design incorporating photographed DNA samples of the four band members. All combines to suggest a truly well-thought-out and intimately personal album.

Posted 13 years ago | Like
Issa Sikiti da Silva
Mixed reactions over controversial Sunday Times report

Mixed reactions over controversial Sunday Times report
[Issa Sikiti da Silva] The controversial Sunday Times Review Panel's full report - withheld and hidden from the public view for a long time but brought to light by freelance journalist Michelle Solomon and finally published this week by Business Day - has been met with mixed reactions from media analysts and politicians.

Posted 13 years ago | Like
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