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BizTrends2016 space is big, value is vast, but sponsorship packages can be tailored to your budgets.

Now in its 10th year, comprising trend opinion from 50+ industry leaders, BizTrends, curated by Louise Marsland, is the go-to industry trend source every January.

Don't miss out on the opportunity to claim space via one of our 10 trend sponsorship categories and have your brand associated with trends throughout 2016 in the most comprehensive go-to industry trend source in Africa.

Claim your presence across:

  • all digital and social communication channels
  • a high-end-design print edition distributed to 4000 agencies and corporates
  • within the archived 10 years' worth of African Media & Marketing trends available for download by local and global trend seekers off the Bizcommunity site
  • at live networking events.

About BizTrends2016:

  • The definitive guide to Marketing & Media and related content since 2004
  • Started by trend curator in chief Louise Marsland former editor of
  • High profile opinion leader status
  • First to market early January 2016 release
  • First with key embargoed trends from industry trend specialists
  • First industry event of the year BizTrends launch scheduled for January 2016
  • Mobile app, iPad and web e-zine formats
  • Covering all major industry verticals influencing South Africa

Contact Sales on 021 404-1460 or email moc.ytinummoczib@sdnert

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