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Sales Opinion South Africa

Want to know three ways to increase sales immediately?

The old way of selling is well and truly dead, in fact the stereotypical sales (wo)men we all knew back in the 80's and 90's send shivers up and down all our spines.

Sales have become much more about advice than actually selling. The internet has made us all 'hyper-informed' and we don't always trust what sales people tell us.

Want to know three ways to increase sales immediately?
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Gary Vaynerchuk, a online sales specialist, has written in his book Jab, jab, jab, right hook how modern sales are about giving, giving, giving and then to asking for a sale. After giving advice on how best to live life, adding real value to someone's day, you can offer them your service or product to enhance it even more. The online world call this the "Freemium model" - try it for free and, if you like it, then you can purchase stuff once you are on the journey, gaming apps, dating apps and meditation apps and many others use this method to hook us.

So, whatever business you are in, here are three tips that will always increase your sales with varying impacts:

1. Personalisation is becoming more and more important. We like businesses and brands that know us, know what we like and don't like and how we react to their marketing or products. So dive in deeper on how best you can service your client in a personal way. Keep in mind that there are many automations out there that can do this for you, so it won't always be about putting in lots of hours to get to know them personally, especially if you have a large business. Just look for the software.

2. Escapism - clients/guests want to know that once they start dealing with your business or brand they can reduce their daily stresses. At every touch point, your business lets them feel comfortable and taken care of. We all have busy, stressful lives and brands that allow us to 'escape' or give us peace of mind will always win.Woolies does this well - I definitely feel trust when shopping there.

3. Simplexity - a combination of simple and complex, this is all about convenience. The simple question is how conveniently can the consumer access your offering? In our mad, rushed lives we want convenience and we don't actually care how complex the behind the scenes are - we just want an easy, simple interface to interact with. I have been ordering my dinners from a brand called Daily Dish. Every Monday, they deliver four prepped meals, with the exact ingredients and recipes and with pictures according to my personal dietary requirements. Simple, convenient and personalised.

Ready, steady - personalise, simplify and create trust!

About John Sanei

Futures Strategist John Sanei makes sense of future trends and merges them so individuals and organisations can forge forward with confidence, elevating their leadership vision to exponential heights. At the intersection of human science, neuroscience, quantum technology, futurism and business strategy, John has a knack for sharing his knowledge and creating meaningful connections. He ignites platforms, connects with crowds and leaves an empowering perspective that lasts long after the lights have switched off.
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