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IT & Telecommunications

Weekly top stories

All set for the IT Leaders Africa Summit
The sixth annual IT Leaders Africa Summit is to take place on 18 and 19 March 2015, at The Maslow Hotel, Joburg and promises to deliver an expert-mix agenda that will include a topical and educational conference programme... read more>>

Increased ICT spending leads to efficient mining operations
The South African mining industry has experienced a significant decrease in profitability over the past two years... read more>>
Smart Rwanda initiative will drive ICT growth
Ericsson and The Rwanda Ministry of Youth and ICT have come together in an initiative called 'Smart Rwanda', geared towards connecting, innovating and transforming Rwanda into a knowledge economy to drive its global competitiveness and job creation... read more>>
Female millennials are the most confident and ambitious of any female generation
New PwC survey dispels myths about women and work... read more>>
Cloud Computing
Cloud-based property management system installed at The Capital Group
Cloud-based technology has been available to the local market for some time now, but it seems that the industry is dragging its feet on the uptake... read more>>
Cyber Security
Health-care industry - the next cybercrime target?

Perry Hutton

Health-care systems, from electronic health records to medical devices, are more vulnerable than many of us realise - and the stakes are too high to ignore... read more>>
Securing your Wordpress website

Ryan Murphy

If you've got a website that's based on Wordpress, you're part of the 76.4 million (according to reports) people who have websites that use the Wordpress content management system (CMS)... read more>>
Securing smartphones, users fail to take precautions
A recent ESET survey of around 500 smartphone users shows 9.7% have had their smartphones lost or stolen, 29.3% do not lock it and 19.7% do not back up at all... read more>>
Data Management
Protecting IP in campaign tendering

Nola Bond

In a free market environment, the tender process is important to ensure fairness and transparency but a practice has developed whereby those tendering are often required to relinquish their ideas, proposals and intellectual property, even if their tender is unsuccessful, and with no compensation... read more>>
How to back up your files

Roane Swindon

In our digital age, hard copies are generally a thing of the past unless you're paranoid... read more>>
Dimension Data becomes technology partner of ASO
Dimension Data has signed a five-year deal with Amaury Sport Organisation (ASO), owner of the Tour de France, by which Dimension will Data become the official technology partner of ASO for cycling events... read more>>
The top-five myths of DDoS protection

Bryan Hamman

Distributed denial of service (DDoS) attacks have evolved to become a lot more sinister than they once were... read more>>
Microsoft has finally listened: Windows 10 is here

Sufyan Mkwanda

If you are like me and adapt to change easily you will love this post. If not, you will have to broaden your horizons and adapt as technology is constantly changing... read more>>
What can we expect from Windows 10?

Ruben Naicker

The impending release of Windows 10 was officially announced to the public in October 2014... read more>>
HerdTracker wins at the IAB Bookmarks Awards
Discover Africa's HerdTracker wildebeest migration tracking app took bronze in the Best Microsite category at the 2015 South Africa IAB Bookmarks Awards... read more>>
TomTom launches new mobile app
White paper offers advice to businesses exploring cloud solutions
Nebula recently released a white paper to serve as a guide, offering independent advice to businesses exploring cloud solutions for the contact centre... read more>>
Caution required as infrastructure sharing deals

Harriet Beamish

In the current economy, proven benefits and technological advances are underpinning the rise of shared infrastructure models across business sectors... read more>>
Web research - the most effective methods to catch on the nerve of volatile market

Ritesh Sanghani

AHMEDABAD, INDIA: The world is moving at dynamic speed, posing numerous opportunities and challenges. Here's how to beat the heat of this competitiveness and gain an edge... read more>>
Alibaba opens US data centre in new challenge to Amazon
SAN FRANCISCO, US: Chinese online giant Alibaba will open a data centre in Silicon Valley, it said on Wednesday, challenging US rival Amazon in the field of cloud computing... read more>>
New media, New China: Xinhua relaunch on barred networks
BEIJING, CHINA: China's official news agency Xinhua has re-launched its English-language presence on Twitter, Facebook and YouTube, it announced - all of which are blocked in China... read more>>
More International
The beat of Africa
Arthur Goldstuck, writing in BD Live, says many global manufacturers target Africa with the same cut-and-paste products that appear on shelves the world over, but that's changing... read more>>
More Africa
People on the move
  • Jaco Cronje appointed managing director of Katika Consulting - more info
  • Workonline Communications appoints senior solutions architect Tom Salmon - more info

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Jobs offered

New events to diarise
Oracle Technology Day - 25 Mar 2015, Sandton, Johannesburg
Don't miss opportunity to be one of the executives at this free event! Read more >>

Start-Up Breakfast Club
Entrepreneur Traction - 26 Mar 2015, Cape Town

Infrastructure Africa 2015
Siyenza - 1 Sep 2015 to 2 Sep 2015, Johannesburg

Upcoming events
Customer Experience World Johannesburg - 11 Mar 2015, Sandton, Johannesburg
Customer Experience 2.0: The Next Chapter in Customer Experience Innovation - will your organisation be an innovator or a laggard business? Read more >>

Wi-Fi Forum of SA - Inaugural Conference
Ellipsis Management Solutions - 12 Mar 2015, Johannesburg

African Heart Celtic Soul - 13 Mar 2015, Cape Town

African Heart Celtic Soul - 13 Mar 2015, Cape Town

SEO professional programme
Blue Magnet Digital Academy - 16 Mar 2015 to 19 Mar 2015, Johannesburg

Microsoft PowerPivot
Front Foot - 17 Mar 2015, Johannesburg | 2 Jun 2015, Randburg | 18 Sep 2015, Johannesburg

Paulo Coelho
"Be brave. Take risks. Nothing can substitute experience."

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Biz press office welcome

Which VoIP has opened a press office on Bizcommunity.com!
Which VoIP
Created to present a central view of all credible VoIP, Hosted PBX and Connectivity operators in South Africa, we allow you to compare these service providers, taking the guess-work out of who is offering what.

LATEST | Denel working on electronic warfare programmes http://t.co/9Ze4WqhmAV http://t.co/ucX3WYta5l - Tue Mar 10
The disruptive potential of the #cloud for the communications sector http://t.co/k3HzRDX9tb #operator #vendor - Tue Mar 10
SAP opens Africa up to new S/4 HANA: http://t.co/0c1pC6kip6 - Tue Mar 10
The best preparation for good work tomorrow is to do good work today. - Elbert Hubbard - - Tue Mar 10
Apple has unveiled a brand new MacBook: http://t.co/ofSprNb9Zm http://t.co/8cYWNzYi0A - Tue Mar 10
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