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Weekly top stories

Influential European makes 2014's Most Important Africans in Tech list
MD of Jovago.com, Marek Zmyslowski was recently nominated as one of 2014's Most Important Africans in Tech... read more>>

A new era of desktop computing

Samantha Steyn

I recently had the privilege of coming across a CloudGate awaiting a review. Despite my lack of knowledge of the product, I jumped at the opportunity... read more>>
Avoid a wipe-out

Doros Hadjizenonos

Malware development has reached a new threat level with the emergence of destructive 'wiper' worms, such as that used in the attack against Sony Pictures... read more>>
ICT predicted to shape Africa's economic landscape in 2015
With public cloud in emerging African countries set to grow at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of up to 84% over the coming five years... read more>>
Cloud Computing
Increasing cloud adoption among SA corporates

AJ Hartenberg

Shifting enterprise IT infrastructure and assets to cloud-based architecture is a trend gathering momentum among enterprises worldwide... read more>>
Cyber Security
Check Point releases Misfortune Cookie findings
Check Point Software Technologies has released its findings with regard to Misfortune Cookie... read more>>
POPI is beneficial for SA companies
POPI is being seen as a compliance nightmare, but it could also be highly beneficial for South Africa, delegates heard at the recent IDC - Fortinet Advanced Threat Protection Network Security Conference in Sandton... read more>>
Data Management
Is your CRM data the elephant in the room?

Martin Doyle

As businesses look to the year ahead, budgets are being finalised and strategy is being discussed... read more>>
Continuity and disaster recovery

Anton Jacobsz

With an alarmingly high failure rate, the use of tape-based back-up should seriously be reconsidered as a primary back-up method... read more>>
FPB wants to classify all online content...
NEWSWATCH: That's what the Film and Publication Board wants... and it's making ICT experts uneasy, reports Mail & Guardian... read more>>
Facebook "year in review" feature painful for some
Facebook wanted to delight its users by compiling each member's "year in review" - but inadvertently revived painful memories for some who suffered tragic events in 2014... read more>>
Samsung's smart education approach engages students, teachers through tech
Teachers are leveraging technology to improve the standard of learning, and looking for solutions that will allow them to teach in a way that meets the expectations of their digitally-native students and prepare them to operate effectively in the modern-day workforce... read more>>
Video on Demand to drive requirement for carrier neutral POPs in Africa

Eckart Zollner

Video on Demand (VoD), the ability to access specific video content at a convenient time and place on a convenient device through the internet, has previously been an unfeasible technology in much of Africa as it requires large amounts of affordable, available and reliable bandwidth in order to operate... read more>>
2015: A whole new world

Samantha Steyn

Heard of eccentric tech gadgets set to make their debut in 2015? Not sure if it's too good to be true? Well here's your guide to all (ground-breaking) technology trends anticipated to take place in the coming year. Get ready to enter into a whole new world... read more>>
Telstra buys Asian telecom provider Pacnet
Cashed-up Australian telecoms giant Telstra said on Tuesday it has agreed to buy Pacnet, Asia's biggest private owner of submarine communication cables, for US$697 million in one of its largest acquisitions to date... read more>>
Thumtom to change the face of advertising
The Thumbtom Android App for smartphones is reportedly South Africa's first app that actually pays users for viewing ads... read more>>
How a 'digital office' can help you wrestle back control from the data deluge

Nathan Nayagar

The decade-old vision of the paperless office has never, and may never, come to pass. But the developments of the cloud, digital workflow and Electronic Content Management (ECM) have all cut down the amount of paper that the average office deals with... read more>>
Data extraction - helping businesses see the bigger picture

Ritesh Sanghani

Today the rate at which data is generated has seen a manifold escalation. This data is generated both internally and externally... read more>>
Chinese paper blames Google over Gmail blocking
BEIJING, CHINA: Internet giant Google's unwillingness to obey Chinese law is to blame for the shutdown of its hugely popular email service, state-run media said on Tuesday... read more>>
Monster collision of 15 Monster Trends in 2015

Naseem Javed

No matter what your position, location or size of your operation, the following 15 trends start to collide and open up amazing and instant opportunities for you... read more>>
Spanish media will be big losers in Google News spat
MADRID, SPAIN: Web-surfers and newspapers worried over Google News closure in Spain... read more>>
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This smart belt automatically adjusts itself, depending on how much you've eaten: http://t.co/NGhHynjMhJ #CES2015 http://t.co/hESW8hLNuJ - Tue Jan 06
RT @WorldBank: Five examples of how #tech is improving public services in developing countries: http://t.co/5HZwEtfjiJ #ict4d http://t.co/i... - Tue Jan 06
Samsung pledges over $100m to make an open Internet of Things finally happen http://t.co/MyCNbEgl3k - Tue Jan 06
Zero-day in Windows 8.1 disclosed by Google http://t.co/y8VKdHBumJ - Mon Jan 05
Intel trains sights on Google Glass with $25m investment in Vuzix http://t.co/RyZ8kDnFKr - Mon Jan 05
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