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Weekly top stories
MTN confirms it will fight Nigerian fine
Africa's biggest mobile services provider MTN Group (MTN) has confirmed that it is planning to contest a R59bn fine imposed by the Nigerian Communications Commission (NCC)... read

Criminal Law
Cosby, battling rape accusations, tweets thanks to fans
Disgraced TV legend Bill Cosby has tweeted his thanks to his 4.1-million followers, as he braces for more legal battles after being charged last week with felony sex assault... read
King Dalindyebo's petition dismissed
Justice and Correctional Services Minister Michael Masutha has dismissed the petition that has been submitted by lawyers representing the Abathembu King Buyelekhaya Dalindyebo to reopen the King's case in Mthatha High Court... read
Environmental Law
Dutch courts to judge Shell in landmark oil spill case
A Dutch appeals court ruled on Friday, 18 December, that four Nigerian farmers may take their case against oil giant Shell to a judge in the Netherlands, in a landmark ruling involving multinational corporate governance... read
Law Practice
Appointment of eight women judges welcomed
Minister in the Presidency for Women Susan Shabangu has welcomed the appointment of Justice Nonkosi Zoliswa Mhlantla as a judge of the Constitutional Court as well as the appointment of eight women as judges out of 12 appointments... read
Home Affairs pours cold water on immigration regulations reports
Reports that United Kingdom-based travellers have experienced problems due to South Africa's immigration regulations are untrue, says the Department of Home Affairs... read
Media & Entertainment Law
Spotify hit with $150m copyright suit
An artist has filed a $150m lawsuit against Spotify, alleging that the leader of the streaming sector has knowingly reproduced copyrighted songs... read
Public Liability
Court rules SAA legal note can stay public

Franny Rabkin

The High Court in Johannesburg set aside a gagging order obtained by SAA against media houses, saying the public interest outweighed the cash-strapped airline's right to... read
Branding lessons learned from religion (Part 1)

Jimmy Tembo

When we try to find the common denominator between a business and church, we easily appreciate the fact that the first intention is to attract people... read
Four top tips to avoid startup failure

Endri Hasanaj

Business startups are a spin of the wheel, a bigger gamble than betting on a racehorse that's primed for the glue factory... read
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DA set to suspend Penny Sparrow over racist comments. Read more: https://t.co/C4gAa1IHg8 - Mon Jan 04
Is a rise in divorce enquiries today just a media-made myth? https://t.co/UmgXRXPaQ0 #Divorce @ObiterGazette https://t.co/bYzkH9QS8s - Mon Jan 04
Seven skills that will land you legal work experience https://t.co/uGdSicbFAL - Mon Jan 04
RT @eNCA: RT @JoanneGJoseph: Social media lawyer @EmmaSadleir believes #PennySparrow & #JustinVanVuuren's comments amount to #hatespeech. - Mon Jan 04
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