Despite coming relatively late to large-scale food production and export, the continent has a number of advantages driving its ability to boost food production and access new global markets... read
The ongoing and severe shortage of well-trained personnel entering the agri-sector and agri-related industries, including farm managers, section managers, and sales personnel, poses a significant risk to food security on the continent... read
More than 150 farmers and members of the general public attended the Farmers' Day recently held by the Sernick Group, an event motivated by the political and economic uncertainty in South Africa... read
The review process has generated interesting connections, and it has highlighted important questions to start asking - like who holds the power in food value chains, and how this affects changes in food prices... read
The Let It Grow Foundation is driven by three men with the purpose to heal the soil and teach South Africans to live sustainable and healthy lives through urban farming projects using permaculture methods... read