10 Sep 2013

Medical South Africa

Weekly top stories

HIV-positive people find each other on dating site
A dating website for people who are HIV-positive has been connecting individuals from around the country and helping some people find true love. Read more >>

More women are dying of strokes for lack of testing
[Laura Donnelly] Cardiologists suspect many doctors are missing crucial signs of heart problems in women because many of those at risk are well-groomed and look healthy. Read more >>

Hospital Groups
Unfair blame for higher prices - HASA
In its latest annual report (2012/2013), published Tuesday 3 September, the Council for Medical Schemes (CMS) has attributed price increases for the increased expenditure on private hospitals by medical schemes. The Hospital Association of South Africa (HASA) says this assigning of "blame" is unfair and incorrect. Read more >>

Infectious Diseases
Research in the news: A viral trick, revealed
[Bill Hathaway] Viruses such as West Nile and dengue have an intriguing way to hijack cells once they have been internalized by the cell. Read more >>

Medical Aid
An insurance perspective on the future of healthcare in SA
[Richard Michael Blackman] "The worried healthy or worried wealthy" is a very revealing observation by Actuary Christoff Raath of the Health Monitor Group in his assessment of the current state of play prevalent in the medical schemes market. The fact is that a scheme's longevity is reliant on high income earners not understanding that they can in fact buy down to lower options at a considerable discount to current premiums and then migrate upwards later on when age and ill health creeps up on them. Read more >>

Discovery's diluted HEPS down 4% to 367c
Discovery reported a 4% decline in diluted headline earnings per share (HEPS) to 367c for the year ended June‚ from 383.2c a year earlier. Read more >>

Medical Research
Study launched to find the origins of acoustic neuromas
[Michael Greenwood] While acoustic neuromas are relatively rare and usually not fatal, the symptoms can be severe. This brain tumor is located on the hearing nerve and can result in hearing loss, ringing in the ears and loss of balance. Read more >>

Professionals treating eating disorders are not immune to weight bias
[Megan Orciari] Some mental health practitioners who treat patients with eating disorders may have their own weight biases that could negatively affect their patients, according to a study by the Yale Rudd Center for Food Policy & Obesity. Although previous research has documented weight bias among other healthcare providers, this is the first to examine it specifically among mental health specialists. The study is published online in the International Journal of Eating Disorders. Read more >>

Mental health
Psychology Festival of Learning kicks off on Wednesday
From 11 - 12 September 2013, the South African College of Applied Psychology (SACAP) will be presenting the Psychology Festival of Learning at its Cape Town campus in Claremont. Read more >>

The business of nutrigenomics
Technologic and scientific advances are made daily, but only a few of these advances trigger a scientific and business revolution. Nutrigenomics is the science of how bioactive chemicals in foods and supplements interact with an individual's genetic makeup, and brings with it many opportunities in the area of personalised nutrition, diets, and supplements. Read more >>

Dutch vegetarian butcher takes on the 'Frankenburger'
THE HAGUE, THE NETHERLANDS: Never mind last month's revolutionary test-tube beef burger grown from meat stem cells. The Dutch are way ahead with a "vegetarian butcher" who transforms plants into "meat". Read more >>

Obstetrics & Gynaecology
Stay healthy during pregnancy to keep lead levels low
New research from the Children of the 90s study at the University of Bristol shows that mothers who drank alcohol and coffee, smoked and had a coal fire in their home during pregnancy were likely to have higher levels of lead in their blood than women who didn't. Dietary calcium and iron seemed to have a protective effect. Read more >>

Public Health
E-cigarette makers go to war with EU
BRUSSELS, BELGIUM: Makers and users of electronic cigarettes on Tuesday (3 September) went to war against the European Union's plans to class the devices as medicinal products, saying any such move would end up harming public health. Read more >>


E-cigarette use doubles among US teens: CDC study
WASHINGTON, USA: - The number of American teenagers and some children younger than that who are using electronic cigarettes doubled in 2012, a trend US health authorities say is "deeply troubling". Read more >>

Video game helps elderly keep their minds sharp
PARIS, FRANCE: A video game can help elderly people fight cognitive decline, scientists reported in the journal Nature on Wednesday (4 September). Read more >>

More International


Partnerships needed to win war against alcohol, drug abuse
The Deputy Minister of Trade and Industry, Elizabeth Thabethe, says government alone cannot win the war against liquor and drug abuse. Read more >>

More Government news

Jobs offered

Fitness Instructor - Stellenbosch and Tygerberg
The Sport Performance Institute at Stellenbosch University currently offers four vacancies to suitably qualified fitness instructors. Read more >>

New events to diarise

Vibrant Life - Build your confidence and esteem
Inner Coaching - 18 Sep 2013 to 9 Oct 2013 Johannesburg
Nutrition and weight loss
J R Seminars - 24 Oct 2013 Cape Town

Upcoming events

Smart Procurement World
Hmrithi Jairam - 10 Sep 2013 to 12 Sep 2013 Johannesburg
A Course On Data Interpretation and Data Use
Centre for Statistical Analysis and Research-CESAR - 11 Sep 2013 to 13 Sep 2013 Braamfontein
First Aid Level 1
Training Force - 16 Sep 2013 to 17 Sep 2013 Isando

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